Mummy they call me names
They wouldn't let me play
I'd run home, sit and cry almost everyday
They wouldn't let me play
I'd run home, sit and cry almost everyday
- The text is a part of this fantastic song i just found here a couple of days ago . It's called "Who's laughing now" and it's by Jessie J . I don't know if any of you know her ? I actually didn't liked her at first with those Do it like a dude song and stuff like that . But i LOVE this one . It's fantastic ! And of course it has something to do with that feeling she's singing about . As i've told before i got bullyied a lot in school . I had like almost no friends , and i was that little lonely kid who everybody were mean to .
Listening to this song really brings back memories from that time , and i can so much relate to everything in that song . Even though it's sad to know the feeling that's behind this song , i really think it's great when you find this kinda songs that just descreibes everything so well . And you can see that you're not alone . Even the famous people have been bullyied .

Oh, so you think you know me now
Have you forgotten how
You would make me feel
When you drag my spirit down
But thank you for the pain
It made me raise my game
And I'm still rising, I'm still rising
Have you forgotten how
You would make me feel
When you drag my spirit down
But thank you for the pain
It made me raise my game
And I'm still rising, I'm still rising
It's an amazing song and it really descreibes what i've been through - and what's going on right now . Cause not to brag but i'm starting to at least get a little known around here in Denmark . :b
Bet some of those peepz who once bullyied me , called me ugly , called me a zero and whatever they said is just a little bit jealous right now , and would want to talk with me again .
But you know what suckers who treated my like shit in school ? You're sad loners ! And i wouldn't waste another minute of any of you losers ! ;)
So now it said . Haha . :b
Anyway . The song if someone wants to hear it . I would suggest it to you . It's fantastic !
Kit ♥