Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Update update !

Wiiiie cruuuuuising ! :b
Hey peepz ! Here's an update from the last couple of days . As i told you guys about i was working as an event'girl at Anni Fønsby's (or well Brinch after her divorce . :b) party . It was actually a pretty stressed evening , cause we had some troubles with the costumes , but luckily had some police'costumes we could loan for the evening . Wiiie ! :b 
It was a fantastic night with some wonderful girls and guys , and i would be lying if i said that i haven't missed this kinda jobs a bit . But it's not something i would continue with . I want to get my own business up and run ! And i'm on my waaaay yay !

And well that was well about what i had to tell you that have happened so far haha . :b I'm not coming with the most interesting news i know , but all my time is almost used on getting my apartment done so i can open my own business and all that . And i'm sure you guys don't want me to write a whole page just about it or even more haha . :b 

But before i'm saying bye bye and all that i have some news for you ! Me and my boyfriend are soon going on a vacation with my mother and Fido wiiiie ! In about 1 month and a few days we'll be going on a 2 week vacation to Cyprus . I can't wait wiie ! :D


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Soooooo tired !

Wuup wuuup work work !
Phew ! I really feel that it's been a loooong time since i've had so many different projects and things to do . It's really exhausting , and my whole body is tired and screaming after my bed right now . I haven't really had a single moment this weekend to relax , sit down and sleep the whole day . But well you can say that it's my own fault . :b
I've been working from like 8 in the morning till really late at night on my apartment . I'm really feeling like just dropping the whole project , but i can't do it now and i know when i'm finally done i'll love it ! And i love projects btw . It's much funnier having a lot to do than just sitting in the couch looking at TV and eating popcorn . :b

But it hasn't only been work - work - work the whole weekend . Saturday i went out with one of my best friend - Anders my little sweeeeeetypie ! 
We went to "CC" - or as it originally is called Club Christopher . It's a gay club , but there's also a lot of straight guys and girls there . I love that club cause there's so many different types of people and you can always get in a talk with someone there ! Wiiie . :)
My little sweetheart 
It was a perfect night .
Oh - and i have some news for you guys ! I've gotten a job next weekend as a promoter girl for Anni Fønsby's party . I can't wait ! Wiiie .


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tearing down walls

Almost not a wall anymore . :b

Phew i've been working hard today . It's not an easy job to renovate a whole apartment , but it's going in the right direction . Even though it doesn't look like an apartment yet , and it's hard to imagine that i'm going to live here and start up a business here . But we'll have to wait and see . Hopefully it'll soon look a lot different and i'll cross my fingers that it'll soon look a bit like something you at least can live in . :b

And well you can't say i don't get work out . I choosed to stop in Fitness World for a couple of months ago , and right now i can tell you guys that i don't have any need to go there . I get a lot of work out at home from tearing down walls haha ! :b 
I've been doing most of the work with the wall today almost alone . Or well Fido helped me at the end , but i did almost all the work myself - and apart from that i've also moved around on 30 boxes today filled with lots of heavy stuff . Phew ! I think i deserve a long break haha . :b 
Beware ! Psychopath on the loose ! :b
And i've decided that i'll take that well-deserved break now , since i'm soon going to Copenhagen to meet with my good friend Varvara . We've planned that we'll go eating some sushi and just talking about "old days" - you know we haven't seen eachother like forever , because we've been so busy with our own life and just haven't managed to plan something together .
But now we're doing it ! And i can't wait , cause i really miss my little Varvara hehe . :b


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Such a long time ...

Ego pic . :b

Oh god ! It feels like ages since i've been blogging - and well it almost is . Or maybe not ages but it's like a half year ago since my last post to you guys . Have you been missing me ? I've actually been missing this a bit  , cause for me it's like a Diary or something like that . 
Anyway . I bet you'll know what i've been doing for the last couple of months . Well as a start i can tell you guys that i've moved with my mom and Fido into that house we talked about . I'm getting ready to open my own business , but it's a lot of work so it'll take some time before that's done - especially also because i'm "re-doing" my house . There's a lot of changes i'm going to make , and it's a lot of hard work but i'm so lucky that i've a man by my side (and btw NO it's not Henrik anylonger) who can help me . I've found a new man , and we've actually been together since mid-February , so almost also ½ year . Wiiie ! His name is Mikkel , and i really think that he's the man for me the rest of my life . He's so sweeeeet , and i'm so lucky that i've found him . Loooove    
Loooooove 1. May in Fælledparken  

Well i actually don't know what more to tell right now . But i promise i'll soon be back with a lot of stories and news from my life - and i'll try to do some blogging much more often . :b 
