Thursday, August 29, 2013

My personal work'boy - and todays belly'pic .

My personal slave ! :b Work little boy , wooork hehe ! :b

Yesterday my younger brother Nicklas came by to help me getting our sofa together . I couldn't really do it myself because it's a lot of heavy pieces you've to lift , and since i'm pregnant it's not a really good idea for me - (haha i love being pregnant , best excuse for not doing any hard work ! :b) , so my sweet younger brother volunteered to be my slave for a day & help me . :b
But of course i'm not an evil person , so when he was finished with the sofa he got a soda and an ice'cream for doing all that hard work haha . :b
Now we've a beautiful sofa . :b
And todays belly'pic ! :b
A belly'pic of today - thought it was time for that hehe . Especially because this is a funny one . I don't know what my little nugget is doing but somehow it has placed itself in the right side of my stomach haha ! :b I'm getting a crazy child ! - Btw thought you guys would like to know that i'm now 17+5 weeks , it's going fast ! :b


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Work , work , paint , paint ..

Omg haha ! :b 

I admit it ! This is a really horrible picture - especially of me , but well you can't be pretty always you know , and especially during a pregnancy - and house'working hehe . :b
Anyway - as you can see we've finished our starry sky - i've a video of it but for some reason it don't want to upload it on my blog .... I'll try to figure out tomorrow if i can do it , or else you'll have to live without seeing the starry sky in action . :b
It's actually really pretty ! And i'm really satisfied by the result , especially because it's my work . It's my little project , & i've made it all by myself ! Every little detail ! The heart , the quote on it , and the fibers etc. etc. :b
Haha , find Walter . :b

Just so it doesn't sound like Mikkel haven't helped with anything at all , i can tell you guys that he's working hard on our closet ! And it's starting to look great . It's so big that he can sit in it as you can see , and that little space he's sitting in is probably going to be just his - then the rest of the closet is for my stuff muhaha . :b
So as you can hear we're working hard on our apartment - and that's also why i didn't had time for a blog'post yesterday . Cause we really want to be finished with everything as fast as possible ! :b

Tomorrow my younger brothey Nicklas will come by to help me with our new sofa . Wiiie ! 


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Stars on the sky - in progess .

Only about 100 more fibers to go .

Phew ! Making of an apartment is a really hard project - especially when you're pregnant & you want everything to be pretty special and unique . I've a lot of creative ideas for the apartment , & i guess that's what makes the project take just a bit longer than it could have . But on the other hand we'll have the coolest apartment ever afterwards ! :b
Right now i'm making a starry sky to our apartment . It'll be hanging over our bed , so we'll be seeing stars all night long hehe . :b Or well a fake kind but it'll be great ! I "only" need to do a little over 100 fibers for project , so i'm working working hehe . :b

Todays ego'pic . :b

Btw i think i've found the first thing that really annoys me during my pregnancy - it's a small thing though , but it's the fact that i can't dye hair ! My out-growth or what you can call is really big now ! And it kinda annoys me ! So i can't wait till i can dye my hair again haha . :b But apart from that there's nothing else bothering me . I actually love being pregnant ! :D

But i'll get back to working on my starry sky hehe . 


Saturday, August 24, 2013

New sofa , before/after and wedding planning .

My new fabulous sofa ! ;)

We've been on vacation for a pretty long time now , and even though it has been great & i really have enjoyed relaxing & just letting go of all thoughts , we gotta get back to the reality - which of course means getting the apartment done & i would love if we were finished with everything before i gave birth to my little nugget haha . :b
So today we've been looking at sofas for our new apartment & we tripped over this gorgeous piece of furniture - it's fabulous ! So stylish & so my style . I love everything that's pretty unique , so this'll be great for our apartment - & Mikkel likes it too so that's fantastic . Now we've ordered it today , so now we're waiting to see if it's as fabulous in real life as on the picture . :b
Before                                                                                         After
Okay i don't know why i'm looking so pale at the after'picture , but i guess it's because of the lightning cause i'm supposed to be a little more tanned now than before , but of course i was also wearing self tanner on the before'picture haha . :b - Anyway i wanted to show you guys a before & after of my stomach , since i'm getting more and more fat ! The picture before was taken just before we went on our vacation to Cyprus so it's about 4 weeks old - and now i'm already that fat haha ! :b It's amazing - but i can't wait till i get more round . There's nothing more beautiful than a round pregnant belly wiie . :D

And last but not least - no it's not me who's getting married . Well not yet haha . :b . But it's my mom & Fido ! They're getting married in 2½ week from now so we're busy with planning all the details for their wedding . It'll be great but i'll keep you guys updated with that too . :b


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sandy from Grease and first scan

I'm sooo feeling like Sandy ! :b

Today is an amazing , great day ! Mikkel & I has been at the mid'wife today for the first scan - and we've now seen the baby for the first time ever. It was amazing !
But before the trip to the mid'wife , i was hanging out with my good friend Henriette who styled me so i was ready to the first scan haha . She played with my natural curls and the result ended as you can see on the picture , with me looking like Sandy in the end of the movie Grease ! Or well that's how i'm feeling with that hair'style hehe . :b But i think it's cute !

Proud daddy ! :b
Anyway we went to the first scan afterwards , and the mid'wife told us that everything was perfect ! So there's nothing wrong with our little gold'nugget hehe ! I'm so happy for that ! Cause you always have that fear that even though i'm 16+4 weeks into my pregnancy today , i'm just so afraid that something might go wrong - but so far so good . And we're some proud parents ! Can't wait till the next time we're going to see him or her , and hopefully we'll get to know there if it's a boy or girl . Wiie . :D
My little sweet'heart 


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I'm hooooome

Hey peepz !
So we're home from vacation now - or well we've actually been home since sunday , but i haven't really had time for blogging . Sorry for that ! :b 
My planned posts i did for the blog haven't really paid off . I don't know why but for some reasons it wouldn't post them - or except from one , but i'll just have to show you the posts anyway some day . Cause some of the stuff might be interesting ? I don't know hehe . :b

Anyway we had a lovely vacation with my parents & everything went well ! I don't know why i was nerveous , but it's just first time you do something , i guess you're always getting a bit nerveous - or is it just me ? :b
But but but - now that i'm back i've a big surprise for you guys ! Some of you might have figured it out ? I don't know , but it's great ! I've known it for a little while now , but me & Mikkel agreed on not saying anything before the right moment was there , and before we were all sure about it . :b
But i can now tell you guys that I'M PREGNANT !!! wiiiiie . :D

I'ts such happy news for us , especially since we've tried for a while now & it finally paid off ! And that means that i'm going to be a pretty young mother ! Or well .. I'm 23 now , but i guess that's young anyway ? In my head it is . And i really can't wait ! 
The father & the stomach haha . :b

I'm not so fat yet - but it's going the right way i can tell you guys . You can see it a bit on my stomach . Or i can see it myself . :b But i really can't wait till i look really pregnant , with a big round stomach and everything wiie ! :b
We're going to the first scan tomorrow , and of course i'll blog about that to you guys ! You've to know everything now hehe . :b

A happy pregnant young'mother Kit 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Live update from Cyprus

Hey sweet'hearts !
It's time for a short live'update from my vacation here on Cyprus with my lovely little family - my boy'friend , mom & Fido . We're having a great time here ! It's so nice with a little break from Denmark , a break from working on the apartment & everything . We're getting tanned , relaxing in the sun & just enjoying life - i really don't wanna go home already , cause i love it here ! :b
But of course we can't stay here forever . We got to get back to the reality again , and it's already on Sunday we're going home . Damn . :/
But on the other side  if we stayed here i think i would miss Denmark too much hehe . :b 

The vacation btw is going great . I was very excited & well you can say a bit nerveous about it at first . I've never been out travelling with my boy'friend before , so this is our first vacation together . Why it should go wrong & be a hell ? I don't know , but i guess you're always a bit nerveous everytime you try something new with someone . Or is it just me ? :b

Anyway - i'll say bye for now & go out and enjoy the last sun i can get while we're here hehe . :b
I hope you're all doing great ! Cause i am .


Monday, August 12, 2013

Eye'candy workshop

Hehe totally favourite pic ! :b

Before i took of to Cyprus i went for this modelling work'shop for a day , where some fantastic girls & me spend a whole day being taught how to catwalk , getting the best out of pics - also group'photos , learning about make up & "Eye'candy vision" (the agencys name is EyeCandy) . So i'm an educated EyeCandy model now & i'll get choosed as a model , event'girl etc. etc. for different events when they need some . :b

It was so funny and i met some fantastic girls , some great MUA's and some amazing photographers ! Even though we had a lot of fun , it was still hard work cause it was really serious - and even though i've had taken pics before & i know a lot about modelling , make up and styling i still learned a lot just from being on that work'shop for a day . You know , you can always learn more ! ;)
Catwalk'practice . :b


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Old friend'ship never ends ♥

"A friend is one who knows all about you , and still likes you" - that's a danish saying , and i think that descreibe me & Kira's friend'ship perfect ! We've been through so much together and have known each other like forever ! And we'll be friends forever !
We've been best friends since i was 15 and she was 13 - even though she's 2 years younger than me , we've so much in common and i know that i can always come to her if i've a problem .
I know i can tell her everything & she knows that she can tell me everything . We might sometimes have our problems , but we solve them and get on .
And even though we're not together like everyday & we wasn't seeing each other for like a whole year , we still stuck together & we will always do . Wiiiie .
She's like my other family - or well her family is like my other family . They're fantastic , and when i'm with her i can just be myself . I love that kind of friends 

Loooooots of pictures of us together ♥ Sorry for that haha . But it's just that i've so many and i just wanna show some of the stuff we've been together - or well that's a bit difficult doing through pics , but i hope you guys kinda get an image of how close we're & how much this girl means to me , how much i love her ! 
This is a post just for her . I love you my honey 


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Heeeeeello Cyprus !

This is live'blogging i'm telling you - live'blogging ! Directly from the airport in Denmark wuuh ! We're getting ready to jumping on the train in less than an hour & then there's just the small flight & then we're finally on Cyprus ! Wiiiie !
I'm so excited about this since this is my first vacation with Mikkel , and his first vacation with me & my family . No doubt it's going to be great ! 
We're going to get tanned , relax and just enjoy the life at the beach in the heat . Shopping & all that stuff . I can't wait - you can probably hear that right ? :b

I've planned some posts for you guys while i'm gone , just about some random stuff , but i'm also planning on live'blogging from Cyprus if i get the time for that - if not you'll have to wait & hear about the trip after i'm home again . :b

Anyway , i will say good'bye for now & go buy a latte at Starbucks ! Yummy yummy ! 


Monday, August 5, 2013

Sushi / work'out day

Brutalizer ! Rrrr . :D

Wiiiie ! Now there's only 1 day till we're leaving for Cyprus ! I can't wait ! I love travelling & i love being in other countries - course they're of course so different from Denmark . Even going to Sweden is different from being in Denmark so .. :b
Anyway - before leaving Denmark i had a date with my lovely Varvara - sushi/work'out date ! We went to work out and today it was leg day again haha . As you probably can see on the picture there's not so much weight on , but i'm also have knee'problems so i'll overload my legs if i put on more weights .
After working out we went to this delicious running'sushi place at Nørregade . Mmmhhh ! 
Hihihi ! :D
Yummy ! :b

And yea well there's not really so much more i can tell about today . We worked out , we ate sushi - we just had a really nice sushi/work'out-date ! :b . The perfect way to say goodbye for 2 weeks . Haha . :b
Oh btw - i'll try to update my blog while being away with some live'news - but i've made some planned posts just about random stuff i've wrote down , about my life & stuff like that so you wont be cheated ! Hehe .


Friday, August 2, 2013

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Rocking the neon green

Wuuuu leg'day ! :b

I think i might have been bitten by a mad work'out-bug or something like that ! Cause right now i just can't stop myself ! I've been working out every other day , nothing really extreme or anything but just to "keep" my muscles and to burn some energy . I love it !
Especially because it's been such a long time since i've been at a gym . "Back in the days" i used to go to the gym with my ex'boyfriend 6 days a week to work out , but now i'm getting a bit to lazy for that - but on the other hand i'm also starting up my own business & i'm working on my apartment and that helps you burn a lot of calories too so i think i'm good hehe . :b

ut today i've done something special out of my work'out - or well it was actually not planned or anything , but i'm rocking the neon green colour today ! I love bright colours , or well just everything colourful - but still with style , and well i wanted to try out something i've never tried before so i did some neon green acrylic nails on myself . I'm pretty satisfied with the result , but i don't think i'll keep them on for that long time - it's difficult working at the apartment with long nails , so the beauty must wait till i'm done with my project . :b
What do you think about the nails ? Aren't they just matching my sneakers perfectly ? Haha !

Anyway - last but not least a little comment and reminder from my site . On Tuesday i'm going to Mallorca with my boy'friend , Fido & mother ! Wiiie finally the day has almost come . It been feeling like forever - i can't wait ! 
