Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Baby joy

Such an easy life haha . :b

God i wish i was a baby again haha . I know it's a very weird thing to wish for , but after having a baby myself i can't stop thinking about what an easy life little Emina is having .
Just some food , a little burp , a clean diaper and then it's goodnight again . Haha i want such an easy life again ! With parents who'll do whatever they have to for their little princess . I'm craving ! Hahaha . :b 

Now for a short love'proposal or what you can call this - but i just have to get it out . I know i probably have said it a couple of times before now & most of you people probably don't give a shit about this , but it's important for me to get out with . I know it can be annoying to hear all the time , but i don't really have anything more interesting to share with you guys for today so this'll be it . :b

I just want to say that i love my Mikkel soooooo much ! Meeting him is simply the best thing that could've ever happened to me - and as if that isn't enough he've also given me the worlds most lovely daughter ! He's the best father and most fantastic boy'friend , and i really couldn't imagine a life without him anymore ! 
This is true love ♥ - I love you my honey 


Saturday, February 22, 2014

2 weeks as parents

Chilling with churros in Copenhagen 

2 weeks have passed now , it's crazy ! The time is really going fast ! Mikkel & I have already been parents in 2 weeks , and it's just an amazing feeling . We love it , and we're blessed with the most amazing daughter in the whole world ! She's just so great . Of course there are some moments where she's a little satan but she'll always be our little angel haha . :b

I haven't blogged in 6 days now - sorry sorry guys ! But as you probably can figure out i've been really busy ! We're still working on our apartment , but it's starting to look really great - more & more welcoming . And of course i've been busy with this big & new role as a mother . It isn't always that easy i can tell you , and well it's taking a lot of your time of course . But i love it ! And Mikkel loves it too ! It's an amazing feeling , and i wish that everyone gets to experience this at least once in their lives ! 

One happy piece of chubling haha . :b

We've had some busy days i can tell you !
As i wrote in my last blog'post we've been out on Emina's first tour around in Copenhagen , and she was so good ! It was a big change for her , and she got a bit confused because of all the loud different sounds , but she handled it well & she also got a lot of sleep on our sight'seeing & gift'shopping haha . :b And i got churros ! - as you can see on the first pic haha . :b
We also went to Mikkel's mothers birthday as i told you about ! So Emina have had a rough week rolling around seeing new places and being at her first birthday party ever ! Haha . :b Maybe that's why she've been sleeping that well & for such a long time the last couple of days . ;)

One last pic before the bye bye . The favorite pacifier ! :D


Sunday, February 16, 2014


I love you princess 

My little princess are simply so great ! Last night the slept 6 hours in a row ! That's so great ! Mommy & daddy are so proud of you Emina ! We couldn't wish us better than you 
She's eating so great - and well she's becoming a little chubby now haha . But that's just great . It means she's doing great ! 

2 days ago - the 14th February it was Valentine's day and well Mikkel & I didn't really do anything special this day . It's a bit hard doing anything when you've a little baby that's craving lots of food & attention , and we didn't mind staying at home with her instead of going out and eating .
It's just a day like all the other days , and i've also felt like why celebrating our love just that one day - you've to spoil & celebrate your love everyday ! So that's not something i'm really celebrating haha . :b

Today Mikkel is out eating with some co-workers , so Emina & i are home alone now - and we'll be until later this evening . It's a bit weird having her all alone now , not having Mikkel around here with me . He've been home the last week with me & Emina , but now he's soon going back to work again & we've to get our daily'life back on track again . But it's still weird ...
At least we've each other - so Emina & I are going to lie on the couch & snuggle the whole day haha ! ♥ A real mother-daughter-quality-time day hihi . :D 

My snuggle'troll haha 

Tomorrow we're going out for a walk in Copenhagen ! It's going to be Emina's first trip out of the house since we arrived here , so i'm really exciting about how she'll react to all the sounds , smells and the rush from all the people around us ! :b - if she's not just sleeping through it all haha .
We're going to buy a present for Mikkels mother - we're invited to her birthday on wednesday wiie . 


Friday, February 14, 2014

Back to the hospital

Big round cheecks !

Emina did so great today ! We had to go back to the hospital today for a check up on Eminas weight & to check if she's having jaundice - and everything went so fine !
She's not having jaundice , thank god wiiie . And only 6 days after the birth she've already putted on her birth weight on again + some more ! 
That's so great ! Especially since she had lost a lot of weight the first couple of days because she had some trouble eating . But those troubles are for sure gone now haha . ;)

It can be hard to get that stupid fart out haha . :b


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sleep'less baby

Daddy taking over . :b

Ohhhhhh my god ! I'm soooo tired .. So , so , so tired !
Now we get to feel how it's like to have a baby at home phew . And i can tell you guys that it's hard work ! And we haven't got like any sleep so far . Or well .. I got to sleep from like 21:00 till 22:30 , so about 1½ hour before Emina was craving food & attention . :b
But it's okay . We knew it would be like this so we'll not be complaining - or well not so much haha .

But i'm just glad i got Mikkel to help me ! He's the perfect daddy - and the most fantastic boy'friend ever ! He's so caring , and helping out as much as he now can . Sadly he can't feet her . :/ I'm sure if he could he would be doing that for me too so i could get some sleep haha . Cause Emina is a real food'lover ! :b 

Anyway - i'll be trying to get some sleep now . I've parked Emina in Mikkels arms , and they're laying on the sofa so he's taking care of her until she goes to sleep - i hope it's soon . :b 


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

We're home


We're finally home !!!
After 2 days staying at the maternity'hotel - from the 8/2 till the 10/2 we could finally go home yesterday ! And really i can't descreibe the feeling of trading the hospital'beds out with our own lovely bed . Ahhh ! It was great , and i can tell you guys that we got a lot of sleep after arriving home .
Even Emina slept for many hours ! Both last night - and also today . She's such an easy baby . Or well ... She's sleeping more in the days than in the night . But she's still sleeping ! And we haven't had much trouble with her about it - but it's a bit different now she's around . But both Mikkel & I loves it ! 
Emina is our little star ! 

Wrapped in 

When we had to leave the maternity'hotel they said we needed to wrap her into 3 layers - so on the picture above she's wearing a body'stocking , clothes and of course the pretty pink snow'suit that's well .. 4 times as big as she is haha . :b But we held her warm & she had a nice drive home - and she's already loving her new home . ;)
Best dad in the world 

And as you probably remember i said we had to stay at the maternity hotel for some checks on Emina . They've to check up on her & make sure she's not having jaundice , and she's also having a bit trouble with eating - or she had the first couple of days , but she's now coming strongly after it ! Or i think so hehe . :b
Eitherway we're going back to the hospital for one last check up on it . So pray & cross your fingers that everything is alright !

I'll go back to bed now ! She's probably waking up at shit am in the middle of night craving some food haha so i need to get as much sleep as possible now haha ..


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Welcome princess ♥

Finally she arrived my princess , my everything 

When is she coming ??
And she did yesterday at 10.19 ! 
At night the contractions started & 6 and a half hour later Mikkel & i became parents to the most lovely little princess on 49 cm with a fine weight on 3430 g. .. So she's a chubby, small red'haired girl . 
Welcome to the world my little princess 

I can also tell you guys that i had a dream'birth . 6 and a half hour from the first contraction till i had Emina in my arms . I did it without getting any kind of drugs against the pain - and even though i begged about it at the end , Mikkel made sure i didn't get anything . We've talked about it before , and i wanted a natural birth without any help from pain'killers or stuff like that .

We're right now staying at a maternity'hotel cause they've to check up on Emina , but i can't wait till we get home with her ! Strange enough nothing really feel like it changed . It all feels so natural .


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Come home honey ♥

Kiss kiss 

Right now i'm laying in the bed , watching TV & just waiting for Mikkel to get home from work . Wiie ! We're going to celebrate some of our last days as a 2 person couple  , before we go from 2 to 3 , so we're going out for dinner at MASH & afterwards we're going to the cinema to watch that movie with Leonardo DiCaprio "The wolf of wall street" wiie . I can't wait ! And well i'm getting a bit bored at home right now , cause i can't really get myself together & do something while i'm waiting for the clock to turn 16:00 . 
So come hooooome now Mikkel my honey ♥ I'm hungry & bored hihi . :b

Hihihi . :b

Oh btw look what i just found while looking through my old pictures on the computer . This is of course a picture taken before i got pregnant & all that . Cause well you can see my stomach is missing & i got such thin thighs ! Hahaha . I remember that day very well . :b 
Not because something interesting or anything happened . But Mikkel & I were just started dating , and well we went shopping in Bilka for some skiing equipment for Mikkel . :b And well that kinda turned out in this ... Pretty much just goofing around haha . :b 

Btw - i don't know if you guys remember this . But Mikkel & I have almost been together for 1 year now . We started dating the 2nd February - and well we have been offically boy-and-girl'friend since the 9. February . :b So if Emina isn't coming out soon she might be born on our 1 year anniversary .. Uhhh . :b


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Shelf system

SOOO many pieces haha . :b

Oh i'm so tiiiiiiiired ! I've been assembling this shelf system the whole day , and i'm sooooo tired ! It's hard work , especially when you're pregnant and it feels like i'm weighting 100 kg. - and have to pee every 10th minute haha . But i took the chance , in the hope of this would stimulate the birth . But so far it haven't been working at all ! :/
But the good part about all this is that Mikkel & I are having a date-night tomorrow to celebrate our hopefully soon titel as "parents" , and to enjoy the fact that we're still only 2 hehe . Cause it'll probably be difficult finding the time for it at the beginning when Emina arrives . :b 

My new slippers A gift from the sweetest boy'friend Mikkel 

But now i'll try to get up & then i'll walk out , take a long hot bath and afterwards lean back in my warm bed & watch a good movie . I think i deserve that after being this active and almost assembling a whole shelf system today . 

I hope you're all having a nice evening - sleep tight and sweet dreams sweethearts .


Monday, February 3, 2014

I'm late !

40+2 - come out princess ! 

Phew - come out now princess ! Mommy can't fit her clothes anymore , and well this is the first time i'm saying it through my whole pregnancy , but i'm really getting tired of it now ! I don't want to be pregnant any longer - i want to hold my princess in my arms , hug her , kiss her and see her . Not carrying around on this huge stomach anymore , feeling like a big elephant haha . :b
I'm now 2 days late - and i haven't had any symptoms that the birth is on it way .

But i've been to my appointment with the midwife again today - (and I who though last time would really be the last time, damn!), talking with her about starting up an initiation .. They'll do it if at the time i'm 41+3 - so i can still go 1 week & a day before they'll start it up . But we've booked a time for it today . So if i having gone into labor before next tuesday , the 11th they'll have to do it . So now it's going to be interesting to see what will happen . :b

I of course hope the birth will be natural , and that i'll soon go into labor before , but whatever happens i'm just looking so much forward to seeing my little princess ! It's crazy thinking about it . 9 months have passed & the new titel as "Mother" is just around the corner .. Wiiiie ! :D


BTW!! if you're pregnant - or planning to be it i'll recommend NOT to see the show "born every minute" when you approach delivery . Phewww ! It really seems like it hurts .. A lot ! Auch .