Thursday, October 27, 2011

Oh look ... What's that .. Isn't that ?

... If you guessed on Little me in an article in a danish Se&Hør magazine , read by at least half of the people who lives in Denmark you guessed right ! Cause that it is . Wiie !
I'm so happy i just had to share this really quick with you , so it'll be a very short post today cause i'm actually on my way to bed . But i just had to show you it . The magazine came out yesterday so of couse i rushed down and bought it . I know it's a little ego to buy a magazine because you're in it , cause usally i actually don't really buy this Se&Hør magazine but anyway . I couldn't help it - if it was you i'm sure you would have done the same !
So for those of you who probably can't danish , and i know it's pretty impossible to read what the article but anyway , i can tell you that it's about me & Robinson - you know that reality programme i told you about a couple of days i'm in . It's really cool ! I'm getting famous , famous !
Anyway . I just had to show you it and tell you about it - so if you're in Denmark or something hurry down and buy it thank you ! Hehe . You wont be disappointed . ;)


Wednesday, October 26, 2011


My delicious cupcakes - they're all gone now . :(
So as i told you about yesterday i was making cupcakes ! Even though i had the whole day off of work yesterday , somehow i missed out blogging later that day about my delicious cupcakes and show them to you . But i wouldn't cheat you from that sight - so here .....
Look and drool ! Haha aren't they just a little bit okay or is it just me who have waaay to much confidence about what i'm doing right at the moment ? Anyway . I would say it's pretty okay when you think about it's the first time ever i make cupcakes like from the bottom , and i haven't ever tried to decorate cupcakes before . But you see - that's what you get when you give me a day off from work , some marzipan and food color . 
Eeeeeego . :b 
Anyway . I think that was enough about those cupcakes . Not the most interesting thing to hear toooo much about i can imagine , and really not the most interesting thing to tell about anyway .
So i thought it was time for a little ego'pic here for tonight . I've dressed up a little bit much this evening , because i'm going out to dinner with my boy'friend . Wiiie ! 


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Look what i'm going to make ...

... Cupcakes !
I can already now tell you that this will be a pretty short , random blog'post from me - but at least i'm blogging right ? Can't blame me for that ! I'm trying to get good at it again with those almost daily blog'posts .
Anyway . As already told i'm going to make cupcakes today ! I've a day off of work , so i walked around a bit bored at home - because of this stupid shit weather and then i thought . You know what - i'll make cupcakes ! They're delicious , i've never tried making them actually . Not by myself you know , i've always bought this finished mixed thing where you only have to add water . But today i'm feeling creative and hungry for some sweet - and seriously . Look at those cuties ! If i can make them just as cute or even more . I'll try that !
So .. Wish me good luck with my project - i can fell this will be a all-day project ! Cause me and cooking aren't always best friends haha . :b


Sunday, October 23, 2011


Hey peepz !
So it's been a little while since i updated last time but anyway , now i'm here again with a new update - and this time it's about that thing i couldn't tell you about earlier . The programme i'm in now - Robinson Ekspeditionen . It's kinda like Survivor or what that US version of the programme is called - or well i can say that Robinson must be the danish version of Survivor of course cause Survivor was shown before Robinson hehe .
Anyway . That's why i haven't been home for a little while in the summer'vacation . And trust me it's really , really weird watching myself on TV . I can't tell much about the show yet , cause i've this contract so if i'm already now telling about what will happen and stuff like that i'll have to pay A LOT of money for doing it ! So  you guys who can see Robinson ( i'm talking to the peepz in DK here & maybe Sweden / Norway ) - watch it Monday at 20.00 to see me ! Haha . :)
Me & Johnni at the premiere of Robinson .
And to the rest of you - have a GREAT night ! I'll go to bed now , and perhaps there'll be a little update from me tomorrow if i remember it and have something interesting to say . Who knows ? :b
Btw . I know the first picture is like REALLY bad ! But well . No make up , really natural and after a stay on an island without food you can't blame me for looking red and ugly right ? Hehe .


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Release party - The night ! :D

So as i told you last night / this morning i went to this release party for Cas' CD . It was at this exclusive club so of course as you can see there was some red'carpet stuff , champagne and a yea well just a hell of a party . Really great , but GOD i got really druuuuuuunk . Haha . Of course not total black'out , i can remember most of the things that happened but seriously . I got pretty drunk haha .
But what the hell . We only live once and i had a great night . 
It was really fun being like one of the "head'persons" or what you can say , since i'm having the leader'role in one of Cas' music'videoes people were like - Hey it's Kit and all that stuff . You know like really , told me i was acting good and stuff like that in the video . Loooooving it hehe .
Cas & Me . :b 

A little picture'spam from me hehe . I guess you can see through the pics that it was an okay night right ? So peepz who wasn't there , you really missed out on something haha .
Anyway . Not much more to say about this . I'll update again soon if something exciting happens , or just something normal you know . I'll just update okay , cause now i think i'm about to get into this good rhythm . :b


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Release party

Ego'pic of course . I LOVE my dress ! One of the best things i've ever bought .
Hey peepz .
As usual i'm really bad at keeping this blog updated right at the time , but anyway . I'll try again , again to keep you updated as much as possible .
Tonight i'm going to this release party for a CD . I'm super excited . It's at this exclusive night'club in Cph and it's only people who've an invitation that can come for the release party . Or at least until 2 a.m. in the morning - then the club is open for everybody else , or you know "exclusive" people or what you can say .
A little ego'pic again hehe .
So of course i've dressed up for the evening . Not to sound too ego , but i think i did it pretty good . I look exclusive don't I ? Anyway . I'm loving my dress - i bought it a long time ago actually , i haven't used it that much but those time i've used it i've gotten a lot of compliments for it , and i really must say i think it suits my body okay haha . It's actually pretty funny , most people think i've bought it at a real dress'store or something like that , but i actually bought it in a sexshop haha . Sometimes you can be lucky . :b 
Anyway . I've to go now . I'll tell more about the night tomorrow or something like that . Oh and peepz from Denmark . If you're watching Robinson , look forward to see it on Monday , cause i'm in it there . Wiie !


Christine's birthday party !

At Christines birthday'party . 

Hey peepz .
Sorry i've been this bad at blogging lately . But i just haven't had much time , i hope you understand .
Anyway - yesterday / last night / this morning i went to my cousin Christines birthday . She turned 20 so of couse it was a bit of a big deal you know , it was a round birthday or whatever i don't know what that is called in english haha .
And GOD i was DRUNK ! Really . Haha it was extreme . But anyway it was fun .
So i'll give you a little picture spam here . 
Hæhæ . 

So that was a little cute picture'spam from the party haha . I didn't get to take so many pictures , but i actually filmed some stuff , and i could try uploading some of it here . I won't say it's good , cause it's us singing , dancing and stuff like that - pretty drunk .. Sooooo bad . But it could be fun to show . :b
Anyway . Later tonight going to this release party for a CD . Pretty excited about it actually , but i've to get eveyrthing ready , so i better get started now .
