Saturday, October 15, 2011

Christine's birthday party !

At Christines birthday'party . 

Hey peepz .
Sorry i've been this bad at blogging lately . But i just haven't had much time , i hope you understand .
Anyway - yesterday / last night / this morning i went to my cousin Christines birthday . She turned 20 so of couse it was a bit of a big deal you know , it was a round birthday or whatever i don't know what that is called in english haha .
And GOD i was DRUNK ! Really . Haha it was extreme . But anyway it was fun .
So i'll give you a little picture spam here . 
Hæhæ . 

So that was a little cute picture'spam from the party haha . I didn't get to take so many pictures , but i actually filmed some stuff , and i could try uploading some of it here . I won't say it's good , cause it's us singing , dancing and stuff like that - pretty drunk .. Sooooo bad . But it could be fun to show . :b
Anyway . Later tonight going to this release party for a CD . Pretty excited about it actually , but i've to get eveyrthing ready , so i better get started now .


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