Saturday, June 30, 2012

I-i-i-i work out

I i i i work out in Fitness world . :b 
I'm sooooooo freaking tired right now ! Really ! My whole body hurts right now . I can feel that it's been a long while since i really had worked out . You know like really , REALLY ! But it feels so good hehe . :b
Anyway . I thought i would do some blogging about working out maybe ? Since i often hear from peepz that i've a pretty fine body , and some asks me what i do to stay toned and everything .
Well first of all i can say , that i'm one of those lucky persons who're born skinny . I've always been pretty skinny - and that's actually also why i didn't had any boobs before my operation . So think about that before you start a diet or anything like that if you want to loose weight . Or just before you decide to lose weight . The first place you lose fat is your breasts because they're you know , only fat . :b
Oh and then i also have a high metabolism . Maybe i'm not the best person to tell about losing weight , what to do , what to eat etc. cause actually i don't eat really healthy at all . Of course i'm thinking about what i'm eating sometimes , but i actually eat a lot of chips , chocolate , candy and all that stuff . That's something i can't live without hehe . :b
So thank God for my high metabolism !

Anyway . Just to maybe help a bit with some working out or something like that i can tell you that i usually works out 6 times a week . Not to lose weight - but to get and keep my body toned . I don't think it's pretty if you're just like skinny . Cause you can be skinny without actually being skinny . You know that thing called skinny-fat or something like that . That's why i think a toned body is something everybody needs ! Or of course it's their own choice . But it looks good right ? And you also feel good after a hard work out .
Now i'm just getting a bit bad at working out , but i've promised myself that i soon will begin with my working out again - those 6 times a week .
So what i do is that i'm going to a gym . Of course you can also work out at home & all that . But i don't think i would could that . I work out with a friend and sometimes alone . It's very different .
And then i usually starts out with between 15-20 minutes of running on a tread'mill , just to warm up . Afterwards i focus on my muscles and getting toned . I lift weight , i do benches or what it's called in english and i've this rule that's actually pretty important & good i would say . It's like if you're training arms , you should also do legs so it's equal . And if you do stomach be sure to train you back too . 
Well there's not so much more to tell about my working out actually . Of course you can also join teams if your gym are having that - that is something i also do . Like Zumba , that's pretty funny ! Or pole'dancing is a great way of gaining muscles while losing weight , and you get more flexible ! It's great . :D
But really . You should find your own working out schedule and not follow anyone else . Cause there's only one who knows what works best for you . And that's of course YOU ! But there's nothing wrong with getting some inspiration or advices . So i hope you could use mines a bit . :b


Friday, June 29, 2012

I'm back at mooooommy

Now you can see i've moved back home to my moooooommy again . :D

Okay that's not all my shoes . I've about 60 pair of shoes , but this is some of them . The rest is still at Johnnis apartment and it'll probably take some time for me to get all my stuff home again .
Since it was Johnni who bought his apartment back in the days before we knew each other , he of course still gets it and i had to move out . And well that's only fair !
So now i'm moving back to my mom , her boy'friend Fido and my younger brother again on Amager . And i actually kinda missed it i can say already . It was at very rare occasions i saw my family when i lived with Johnni . Not because they lived very far away from us , or we didn't wanted to meet with them . But just because we simply didn't had much time to go visit my mom - or we didn't had time for her to come and visit us .
But now i can see my mom and Fido everyday wiie . And well Nicklas - i think he'll survive with me living at home again . And if he has a problem he can just move out . He's old enough now haha . :b
- and btw he can't complain . He got the big room !!!
Pic of today hehe .
But now all the challenges in my life will start coming i guess . I've to search for my own apartment now , and i won't settle with less than a 2 rooms apartment . Even though my dream'apartment would be a pretty big 3 rooms apartment with walk in closet close to everything in Copenhagen hehe . :b
But anyway what - i've to find an apartment in Copenhagen . And not to faaaar away from everything and of course not too expensive . :b So if you guys have heard about something ? Or know someone who knows someone or anything like that , then feel more than free to contact me ! :)


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Because you loved me ..

Me and Johnni , picture taking for a story in Se&Hør about my participation in Robinson .
You were my strength when I was weak 
You were my voice when I couldn't speak 
You were my eyes when I couldn't see 
You saw the best there was in me 
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach 
You gave me faith 'coz you believed 
I'm everything I am 
Because you loved me 

So now it happened . It actually didn't came as a surprise for any of us , cause we've both agreed on the split between us , and it isn't something that's coming like suddenly but have been on its way for a little while now . Me & Johnni are no longer together . I don't know if the song i choosed are the right one for this , but i just think it descreibed this situation so well . Some might find it sad ? I don't know . But i think it's a great song , and in some way i don't find it sad at all . I kinda find it freeing or what you can say . It's a strange feeling , pretty hard to descreibe but i hope you guys kinda understand me .
After been together in almost 2 years we're now breaking up . And i'm not sad or anything about it , cause we're still friends - and we will still be friends . Or so i hope . Anything else would be strange i think .
I'm happy for our decision about breaking up , and i don't think i'll regret it . For a long time i've thought he was my one and only , that we would grow old together and be together forever . That we would have kids , a wedding and one day we'll be sitting , old and still happy together at the nursing home .
But i was blinded by love and addiction for him . He didn't treated me bad at all . He wasn't evil or anything , and i know that he loved me and i loved him so much . But i need a man who can be there for me , more than he could . Someone who i can grow old with . And it wasn't supposed to be him .
I enjoyed our time together . We had so much fun - and we stood together also through the hard times .
But it wasn't supposed to be us . And as i already had said once i'm not regretting anything . I loved him , we had almost 2 great years together - but now we both have to move on .

Thank you for our time together Johnni'boy . 
- I'll always love you .


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Some days of girly chill .

Really girly'chill with yummy food and drinking .

he last couple of days i've been spending a lot of time with my good friend Amalie , and omg we've just really chick'chilled all the way ! We've been partying - celebrating my 22nd birthday (i'm an old old lady now hahaha), been chilling with Asti and delicious food and just enjoyed each others company faaar out at the night with long talks , movies etc. etc.
That's the best thing about been without a work - you can just chill and not having to worry about getting up the next day at a special time ! I'm loooooving it , even though it of course can cost problems in the lenght about money . :/

Chilling with hang'overs wiie . :b 
Anyway there are some changes in the programme too . I don't know if you guys remember me telling about a school called CPH West - a hair'dresser school in Copenhagen where i was supposed to start the 20th June on a course about make up and extensions . Well i haven't started yet actually . But don't worry ! I'm going to start . But because i've to take some vacation very soon to Spain (and who knows where else i'll be going this summer) i had to put the course on standby because i didn't wanted to miss out on any lessons . But i've made an agreement with the teachers that i'm going to start after my summer'holiday - the 10th August and there won't be any backing out of it at that time ! That i promised myself . Cause no matter what i'll be taking this course so i can get more educated . And it's about make up and extensions . So come on ! What girl doesn't love that ? I do ! A lot . Cause i love being creative .
Oh and btw one last thing before i'll go off to bed . I just had to show you my home'made nails . They aren't that new again , actually i've had them in about 1 week now . But somehow i just have got away from posting a pic of them every time i've been blogging . I think they're super cool . Actually i'm loving them . Some might say they're too much . But i don't care . I love bling ! And i think they're super girly !
Looooving them<3 but they took a hell lot of time to make ! Trust me haha . :b 


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Happy biiirthday dear Kit lalala . :b

Coooooongratulations Kit ! Or something like that hehe . Well it doesn't hurt wishing yourself a great birthday does it ? Cause that i definitely had ! For those who doesn't know my birthday was two days ago , the 22th June ! btw shame on you who didn't knew !
Anyway . I went out to celebrate it with some of my best girls , not at the day - i wanted to spend that day and evening with my lovely family , but when the calendar said Saturday the 23th June it got wild !
Actually i can't remember excatly what i did that day . Just that i got a lot of drinks , birthday'songs and a lot of congratulations . I love having birthday ! Hehe .
We started at Billy Booze in Copenhagen , but then we continued to Penthouse . And i couldn't have wished for a better birthday - and late party-birthday'celebration .

So now i'm already 22 years old ! Omg times goes by in a rush really . I still feel like i just turned 18 , fooling around with my friends back then and being just as immature as i'm not haha . But what ! I don't feel older , i don't think i look older and i still got a lot of years in me .
Anyway - i hope you all had a great weekend .


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Photo'shoot with Mikkel

As i told you here the other day i had a photo'shoot with a great photographer , Mikkel . He's not only a great photographer , but he's also a person i've talked with for a couple of years so i know him pretty well . And as promised i'll upload some pictures from the shoot since i've got them now . I think the shoot went pretty well . The photos aren't going to be used for anything special , but just to fill out our portfolio . :)
The theme for the photo'shoot wasn't anything special neither . Actually we just throw together a lot of different outfits - of course glamour outfits , since i'm more of a glamour / bikini'model than a fashion'model because of my height , but i'm pretty happy about the final result . I think the pictures are great ! Not to sound waaaay to confident and everything , cause i know that most people will be all : "Oooh shut up , you aren't that good looking - and who do she think she is to say that" & something like that . But i think they're great anyway . I think i look sexy without looking slutty . And that's actually pretty hard to do ! 
Anyway . I'm sure you would like to see some of the pics - so here you go ! 

There were a few pics from the shoot today , maybe i'll upload some more later but don't worry - this isn't the last shoot i've been doing , cause there's a lot more to come very soon hehe . :b


Friday, June 15, 2012

Girly chill

Me & Amalie escaping from the boring life in a bus . :b 

Party rockers in the hooooouse tonight .. And so on ! Are you all ready for tonight ? Cause i am ! It's friday and i'm going to celebrate it with one of my fantastic friends , Amalie .
Johnni have been spending some days at one of his friends , and he's probably not coming back before monday so i got the apartment right now ! I hate being home alone at it , so of course i invited my good friend , Amalie over and she has lived at my place since Wednesday . And i don't think i've had this much fun in a long time !
We've been crazy ! It's like taking a time'machine back in the days till when you were like 15-16 and home alone . Totally chick-days with movies , lots of food and wine and one of the days we sat us in the bus just to drive around in Copenhagen . Life ? Not much . Be it was fun hehe . :b 
Getting ready for tonight . Haha !
Tonight we're going out ! We both got invited to a friends birthday , so of course we're going to get all pretty and everything for tonight . And drunk ! I've to enjoy the last couple of days now with drinking and everything , cause now i've to put the alcohol to the side , since i'm starting in school very soon - it'll be all weird starting up with something again .
Oh and tomorrow i've a photo'shoot ! It'll be good but of course i'll share everything with you if i've the time , if not i promise as soon as possible to come with a new update about my life ! :b
I can't tell much about the photo'shoot yet , but it'll be good . I'm sure ! If i'm not too much hungover hehe .


Friday, June 8, 2012

Laying down Barracuda .

Driving with style in a train on my way to Odense haha . :b
Good afternoon all my lovely readers if you're out there somewhere . I just came home from Odense like an hour ago and i'm feeling so heavy - i'm DEAD ! Really . Or maybe not dead , but i'm really hung'over . It's so bad ! Haha . But i had a fun night last night .
The trip to Odense went well , but god it takes like forever ! Felt like i was sitting in that train for more than one day , even though it only took like i don't know an hour or something like that . Actually pretty say , but i just hate travelling with trains ! Especially because of all those fucked up people who're in the trains .
They're crazy .. Seriously !!
But the reason why i took a trip to Odense wasn't just because i felt like - i had to go there to celebrate one of my friends birthday . And she got celebrated with style i can tell you ! We laied down the club . We got soooo drunk . And i'm not regretting it even though my head is killing me today , and the trip back to Copenhagen really wasn't funny at all !

At barracuda with the birthday'child and some random dude ? :D
Anyway . We had a sick night bitches ! And there is many more to come very soon . I'll bet on this weekend is going to be wild , if everything goes as it should . So ... What did you do yesterday / today ? 


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Watch out - ZOMBIEZ

Me & the other babe zombies .. Grrrr . :b 

Hey peepz . I know it's been a loooooong time since my last blog'post on here , but do i have to write tell you again ? As usual i've been super busy . Not only with my career and stuff like that , but also with partying .
Since i got fired from Hultquist i have actually had a lot of free'time . That free'time i gained i used to go out partying thursday , friday and saturday . It's so relaxing not having to get up and work from monday till friday hehe . :b
But of course it's also expensive - but i'm still earning money on my acrylic nails and stuff like that . I don't dance much anymore actually . It's not like my big passion any longer so i've kinda dropped the bookings as a show'dancer on clubs . Of course i still dance - but that's when i'm going out with my friends hehe .

Anyway i bet you're thinking wtf!? because of that picture ? Well today i was starring in a movie . Not a "real" movie if you can say it that way . It isn't going to be shown in the TV or in cinemas or anything like that . It's a short'movie kinda made for fun and it's going to be used as a project for film school or what you can call it in english . Some dudes i know were looking for a couple of girls they could use to their project , where they had to make a movie for an exam . They could totally use whatever subject they wanted , and that ended up being - zombie girls in bikinis . Haha !
The make up artist who putted on our make up was amazing ! And this kinda inspired me . I've choosed to go back to study - to become a make up artist . I don't know if it's something i'll start living by , but i've signed up for CPH West hairdressing school in Copenhagen to just at least get some education . I'm going to start there the 20. June so wish me luck !! :D
The make up artist fantastic work . hahaha !
But this will be it for now . I promise that i'll soon get back on here with more updates about my life ! I'll try to grab my ears and make myself keep trying to write on here make everyday - or just at least once a week if not more .
