Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I gotta feeling , woooho ..

I'm great in the kitchen - peeling potatoes !

I gotta feeling , woooho , that tonight's gonna be a good night .. And so on haha . But really i gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night ! Why ? Because i'm going out with some of my lovely "Robinson"-people ! Even though it's only Wednesday , but whatever . None of us are going to do anything tomorrow and it's only summer one time a year - unless you're travelling of course hehe . :b
Anyway . Right now i'm at Marlenes house peeling potatoes . Or i was doing that before . We decided that we wanted to do a big fancy meal before going out , but yea . We started pretty late and none of us are very good at cooking so we ordered a really yummy pizza instead .

Yummy , it's okay to be fat sometimes . Tomato , cheese , ham , pineapple & shrimps

So i guess it's only a good thing i'm not living all by myself yet but home at my moms , cause cooking aren't one of my big talents . Even though i can be okay at it . But i guess if i lived by myself i would only get pizza and all other sorts of fast'food , cause i hate that it takes like forever to cook ! :b
Oh and one more thing ! I might soon be travelling ! To Lanzarote ! We don't know the date yet or anything , but my mom can maybe get her , her boyfriend and me + a friend a cheap travel ! But it's only maybe . :b
So i'm looking forward to getting more information about that . And then i'll also soon be going to Spain to visit my grand'mother . Wiiie .

But now i'll go back and drink a couple of drinks with Marlene before going out with the other Robinsons . Have a great night everybody !


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