Friday, November 9, 2012

A quick update from the Netherlands . :b

I did my old piercing again . :b
Hey peepz !
I haven't been on here for a couple of days now again - sorry sorry . :b . But i just wanna tell you all i'm fine here in the Netherlands . I'm visiting my vacation'flirt & staying at his apartment until sunday - or that's what i think i will . Cause somehow there's starting some drama right now . Fuck my life .
My vacation'flirt is really sweet and everything & we had it fantastic while we were on Spain . The only problem is just that he somehow forgot to mention that he really haven't breaken up with his girl'friend for real .... That's just typical . Always happening for Kit . Woho . -.-
So right now i'm finding myself in the middle of a drama between him & his girl'friend , because he somehow apparently isn't 100% sure he wants to dump her . Wtf !?
I know that it's stupid to want this guy . But he's just so sweet ! And we had it amazing in Spain - and we've also had it amazing here , until that drama came up . Which he didn't mention for me that i would be a part of . So .... Right now i actually don't know what i'm gonna do .
1. I could just take home now ? I mean .. The dude isn't even sure he wants me , and i don't wanna be that bitch who comes and takes a boy'friend from a girl . I don't wanna cause drama you know .
2. I could stay - see if everything worked out ? He told me in Spain that i was an amazing girl , and that he wanted to see much more to me . That he really felt a special connection between us . But of course that could also be something he just said ? Maybe it was just because it was in Spain ? ...

I think i'll sleep on it - and not in the same bed as him ... It's unbelievable how fast drama appear . Wednesday when i came here there was nothing going on .. But today - friday - it all happened . Omg .

Oh btw a little thing - as you can see on the pic above i did my old lip'piercing again  .This hime all the way through the lip . Isn't it looking pretty cool ? :b
I was bored when he was out talking with her .....


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