Sunday, June 9, 2013

Such a long time ...

Ego pic . :b

Oh god ! It feels like ages since i've been blogging - and well it almost is . Or maybe not ages but it's like a half year ago since my last post to you guys . Have you been missing me ? I've actually been missing this a bit  , cause for me it's like a Diary or something like that . 
Anyway . I bet you'll know what i've been doing for the last couple of months . Well as a start i can tell you guys that i've moved with my mom and Fido into that house we talked about . I'm getting ready to open my own business , but it's a lot of work so it'll take some time before that's done - especially also because i'm "re-doing" my house . There's a lot of changes i'm going to make , and it's a lot of hard work but i'm so lucky that i've a man by my side (and btw NO it's not Henrik anylonger) who can help me . I've found a new man , and we've actually been together since mid-February , so almost also ½ year . Wiiie ! His name is Mikkel , and i really think that he's the man for me the rest of my life . He's so sweeeeet , and i'm so lucky that i've found him . Loooove    
Loooooove 1. May in Fælledparken  

Well i actually don't know what more to tell right now . But i promise i'll soon be back with a lot of stories and news from my life - and i'll try to do some blogging much more often . :b 


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