Thursday, September 26, 2013


I'm getting faaaat ! :b

21+6 today & it's going faster and faster - and i'm getting so faaaat ! Haha . I love being pregnant , and i love that you really can see it on me now . I can already feel my little girl kicking - and she's kicking a lot ! It's like she's having a whole party in there . But it's great ! I love that i can feel it wiie ! :b 

Oh yet another thing - i don't know if i've told you guys it , but i'm starting on an education in eye'lash extensions , so i can be educated in it and sell it in my beauty salon ! It'll be great . But it's a small course actually , so nothing that takes long time . I'm going to some courses here next week - and then a long weekend course next , next weekend & then i'm educated - which means i can offer eye'lash extensions using the method "single lash" - which means the lashes will be applied one at a time & the result will be much more natural ! :)
So here's something you - and I can look forward to wiie ! :D


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