Monday, October 7, 2013

1 step closer - and future'plans

Finally it arrived ! :D

We're now 1 step closer to finish our renovating of the new apartment - today the worktops , fridge & the cooker hood finally arrived so now we're one step closer to the end and to a finished apartment ! Wiie . Now we just have to get everything installed & then we can say we almost have a kitchen now hehe . It's great - especially with the little princess on the way . 

Btw - i've some future'plans to share with you guys today . I don't have much exciting news right now except from the fact that we got those things today but other than that nothing special happened today haha .
But i can tell you guys that i'm having that weekend course this weekend & when i'm done with that i'm a full'educated & more than ready to soon open my new shop where i then can offer eye'last extensions & much much more ! Wiie it's great ! :D
I also have something more to tell you - Mikkel & I are travelling to Spain to visit my grand'mother this fall . So we'll be taking off the 28th October for a weeks vacation there . Wiie ! I can't wait hehe . :D
And i'm of course hoping the weather still will be good even though it's a bit late we're travelling . But we got our fingers crossed ! 


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