Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy new year from the hippo

35+5 and i'm feeling like a hippo ! :b

Happy New Year everybody ! 
Wow - we're in year 2014 now , and so much have happened the last year . I have met the love of my life , i'm pregnant and i've moved in to a new apartment , i'm working on starting up my own beauty'salon when my maternity leave is over . It's amazing thinking about ! All these stuff happened over 1 year - and the most amazing part of all this is that in the year 2014 i can soon call myself a mother . I never thought that would happen so soon . But it's great ! :b

Anyway - i hope you all had a fantastic New years eve & aren't too tired . :b This new years eve was a bit different for me , since i was pregnant . I remember last year , drunk and soooooo wasted the next day . But this year i jumped into the new year with a big stomach , drunk on coke and well i went to bed already at 1 am cause i was so tired . :b


Before ending this post i just wanted to tell you guys a very important thing ! Enjoy a good trip to the toilet once in a while ! Really ! Enjoy peeing - you know really peeing . I know it sounds crazy and maybe a bit gross but i'm sooooo tired of peeing all the time - and it's not like really peeing , it's just like two small drops of pee every half hour ! And i can tell you guys that it's so annoying have to run to the bathroom all the time just to do that , and especially with the huge stomach ! I'm feeling like a hippo ! Enormous


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