Monday, March 17, 2014

Party hard . :b

Party haaaardy . :b

Hey peepz ! Sorry for another late blog'post , but again i haven't had much time on the blog the last couple of days , so i'll give a quick summary again again hehe . :b
As i wrote about in the last blog'post we threw a birthday'party for Mikkel this weekend & everything went just fine . It wasn't a big party with lots of guests , only some close friends of us - and of course Emina ! :b She helped celebrating daddy too hehe .

Emina is dressed up too haha . :b

I actually don't really have much more to add to this post .. It's a bit hard to explain the whole party for you guys , and to descreibe everything and i'm pretty sure you guys will find it a bit boring . :b
I did the food we got of course - but if i'm going to explain the whole 3 course menu you probably also will be bored , and i'm actually a bit busy right now . Emina is about to wake up so i've to go get her in just a minute . :b


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