Sunday, May 15, 2011

Photo'challenge Day 23

Day 23 - A picture of a place you were today .

Well i don't really know if this one can count for a place you were today . It's a little bit of cheating but i'm really not creative & i don't have much time on the computer today so . A place i were today was pretty much actually on the streets - infront of this shop .
Or i actually only were there for about 5 minutes or even less , but i think it's pretty funny . It's a store called: "Kit's Modestoffer" - translated into english it's something like "Kit's fashion fabrics" . Well the funny part about this is yea well that it's my name but not my store haha . Just if you were confused and thought that .
But anyway . The actually funny part is that "stoffer" - which in this situation is translated into "fabrics" actually can have more than only one meaning in Denmark .
So i did this :
- On computer , i didn't do it on the actually window .
Because yea well i was bored . No life much ! haha . And by removing that "Mode" infront of "Stoffer" the word is just : "Kit's stoffer" - which now is translated into: "Kit's drugs" or i mean it as that haha . Really dumb humour i know . But yea well i just thought it was funny . :b
So here you go . "Kit's drugs" / "Kit's stoffer" . My boutique hahaha !
Kit ♥

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