So i decided to do this post because it's a question i actually pretty often get . People asks me a lot about my dreams - both for the future but also the dreams i had in the past , and if i have made them come true & how . I often get the questions "Have you always wanted to be a model ? / Show'dancer / - Have you always wanted to do what you do now ?" . And to that i've to answer again & again that i've not always dreamed about it & if you asked me for just about 5-6-7 years ago i would never ever have dreamed about being where i'm today & doing what i do today .
Of course i can't say i haven't dreamed about it at all . I think every girl ( and boy ) secretly goes around with this little dream . The dream of becoming famous , of becoming a model or actor - or something like that . A occupation where you actually get paid for all those good hair'days . ;)Questions i also get a lot is about my future - especially about the modelling and show'dancing career & the futures for that . You know , my jewelry'design job aren't that interesting when you hear about those other two hehe . :)
People often asks me about if it's something i want to do professionally , something i want to get known for out in the world , how long i'll be doing it & i could write a whole book just with questions about it !
But over all . I've no freaking idea about what i'll be doing in the future ! I live in the "now" or what you can say . I hate thinking too much about the future & planning too much . I can't almost even stand planning what i want for dinner the next evening . I love the feeling of doing something you haven't planned , and just taking a chance ! So i can say . I've no idea about how long i'll be doing show'dance & modelling for , i've no plans on how professional it'll end up being or if i ever will get out in the world with what i'm doing .But of course i'll do it for as long as i want , as long as i think it's funny & as long as it's possible for me to do it ! :) . Who wouldn't if they got the chance ?
So . Pretty much a fact about me - and a answering post this one . I hope that i answered the questions you might have ? Anyway . Other questions or more "descreibing" answers write to me & i'll of course answer . :)XOXO
Kit ♥
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