Thursday, July 28, 2011

Boat chilling

Relaxy , relaxy . I've had a day off from work today so i spent it with Johnni , of course .
You know those impulsive plans you suddenly make ? You know , those you haven't talked about before , but then starts talking and planning about and then it's just like : Hell yea , lets do it !
Well i'm not talking about weddings or babies or anything like that . Could sound like , but i'm not . I'm actually talking about a boat'ride ! :b Haha .
In a harbor here in Copenhagen you can actually loan a boat and then it's off and out in the water . As long as you've this boat'driving licens kinda thing or a guy who can drive the boat .
So . That's what we did ! :b
It was pretty funny even though it was a bit cold - stupid wind ! But anyway . I could easily get addicted to that . It's funny , you can rent the boats for like almost parties , or at least small trips with a couple of peepz , and that's what we've been talking about doing soon . But of course it all depends on the weather .
Btw . I'll upload some of the behind the scenes pictures from the music'video tomorrow or something like that , whenever i get the time for it . The next couple of days will be a bit busy i think . :b

Kit ♥

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