Monday, July 25, 2011

Wtf is up with the world !?

I mean seriously ! What the fuck is going on out in the world now . It's crazy ! Of course i'm talking about the bomb and shooting in Norway . I bet you all have heard about that right ? Seriosuly . What the fuck is going on with that . It's horrible .
And i'm sending all my thoughts to the norwegian people . I don't get how people can get themselves to do such things and just kill innocent people , without no reason ! Or general just kill people . It's sick and wrong .
But the bomb and shooting in Norway aren't the only thing that's going crazy out there . Now i don't read the news that much , and i bet sick things are going on out in the world probably right now . But really . Wtf is happening with scandinavia now !?
A bomb in Norway , and now here in Denmark some sick 13-year old boy killed another 13-year old boy , over a girl !!! I mean seriously . WTF ! And there's also a 15 month old boy who've been beaten to death .
It's a sick world we live in ! Those thing really shocks me . And i just had to tell about this , cause seriously it's crazy ! And i really don't get how people can do such things . It's horrible , it's sick . And the worst thing is that we're living in a world where those things happens . Wtf .

Kit ♥

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