Sunday, November 27, 2011

Nobody's perfect

Well nobody's perfect .. Hello miss Piggy haha ! :b 

Now i'm starting to be a poetic here and everything , cause you know those songs and things people run around and saying like Nobody's perfect & You're beautiful in every single way and all that . But well that's true !
Nobody's perfect . Nobody has the perfect personality , nobody has the perfect look - and everybody fail sometimes . Remember that . :b
I know it's a weird thing to say , but i'm actually getting tired of all that perfectness or whatever you can say . This might sound extreme ego , but i'm tired of those people saying that i'm perfect , that i've the perfect look , the perfect personality or whatever they can say - mostly the perfect look . Cause you know what ? I don't !
What is the perfect look anyway ? I know that i can look good - yes yes ego .. Whatever . But i also use a lot of time on my looks . Nobody walks right out of the bed gorgeous . It's impossible !
And i think we all have to think about it again . What is the perfect look ? It doesn't excist ! Everybody is perfect in their own way . We all look different , we all have different personalities . That's what make this world so great !
The world would be fucking boring if we all looked and acted the same . So be yourself - and be proud of who you are ! Cause You're beautiful , in every single way hehe . :b

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