Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Photo'challenge Day 4

Photo'challenge Day 4: A picture of you and the person you make the most weird stuff with

Okay okay . I know this isn't fair at all , cause it's a picture of the person you make the most weird stuff with , but seriously . I can't choose one ! It was hard enough to only choose these 2 , cause of course there's a lot of others too ! But anyway . My choice fell on Gizmo & Kenneth .
Those 2 guys can always make me smile just with the sound of their voice . Gizmo and i have been friends since like forever - or okay 6th grade or something like that i think , but it feels like forever ! I can do anything with him . And i love how we one minute can be all serious and then 30 seconds after laugh about nothing . We've done so many and stupid things together , like playing the tv-show Friends while recording , singing and dancing and dressing Gizmo as a girl . Wiie ! Anyway . I just love him .
And of course i can't forget Kenneth . He's my best friend - wiiiie beeeestie . I'm a bit sad that as the time passes on now we aren't actually speaking that much together anymore . But he's still my best friend - and i'm still his . Not only is he my best friend but also my old ex-boyfriend , so we've like this special bond . I know i can tell him everything , and so can he to me . We can talk about anything between the earth and the sky , and  he's one of the persons i'm calling first when i'm feeling down . 
I know he'll always support me - and of course we also have a lot of fun together ! We've been through sooooo much stuff , and i almost can't spend a minute with him without laughing at least once . He's so dumb , but i love him anyway . My beeeestie .

So ... Those are the 2 persons i've being doing the most weird stuff with . Some of my best guy'friends of course , and i love them . I hope there'll be a lot of more fun times with you two . 


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