Wednesday, August 29, 2012

We love sunshine !

The danish summer isn't over yet , wiie ! :b 

Goodevening or goodnight (?) all my lovely peepz .
You know that thing about the weather sometimes affect your mood ? Well i bet that is pretty much true , or in my case it is . Just when you're walking around in boring grey Denmark and thinking that the summer is already over before it started - boom - the sun comes back from the clouds and the temperature starts rising ! Wiie ..
I haven't actually done much today . I've been in school for a couple of hours - or you know that course i'm taking . I don't know what to call it .. School , course ? Whatever . The point is i'm learning stuff hehe . :b
What i'm really looking forward to is the assignment for tomorrow ! We kinda got home'work for today , pretty easy actually but whatever . We had to go home and find a picture of some wild , classy or what'ever make up we wanted , and then tomorrow we have to do the excat same make up on a model we have to find ourselves . I've already find my model and my picture - but i'll show you that tomorrow , when i've tried putting it on and everything so you've something to lookforward to ! ;)
My brother Nicklas playing smart'ass with his skateboard . 

Except from being in school , i actually haven't done much today . Except from playing with my brother or what you can say haha . Or playing and playing . I'm 22 and he's 19 years old so we don't really play anymore .. Or do we ? Haha !
But we've had a great time together ! Because it has been such a great weather today were sunbathing in our backyard and then when Nicklas started getting bored by it , he found his skateboard ! Of course i'm always ready for some fun so i found my old roller'blades and then we were just making tricks and stuff on wheels haha ! :b It was so funny . That's one of the thing i love about living at home right now . And something i've missed . That there's always a little'brother you can play with !
- Or maybe not always , the dude is 19 he'll probably also soon be moving out haha !

Anyway . Have a nice evening / night everyone . And sweet dreams !


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Back in school .

Before . HAHAHA !! :D
Hey peepz ! I just came home from school for about 20 minutes ago . God that sounds weird saying since it has been so long . But i can tell you it's fun going here . It's so much me ! There's no books we've to read , there's no really home'work other than i've to find my own models .
Yesterday we heard a lot about how the education will be like , and there for example that part about we've to find our own models . We will be working with a lot of different make up styles , hair styles and they told that we also would be having some kinda "themes" - you know like an 80's theme where everything will be in that style , you know the hair , the make up and even the clothes - cause there will also be hired a professional photographer to every assignment we'll get .
I can't wait till we get started ! :D
After . :b

I took some pictures from todays assignment . A little before and after picture . I think it's great we're already getting started with trying to put on make up , and it's great that we get tips & tricks about what we could do better , how to put on the perfect base make up & all that . :b
Today we had a small assignment just to get started . We had to do a base make up , brows , eye'liner and lips . And well my result ended up looking like this .
What do you think ?
Kit ♥

Monday, August 27, 2012

Perfect weekend .

Sweet .
This weekend has just been perfect ! And today i was so ready for going to school for the first time in a very , very long time . Or school and school - you know what i mean . It's a course for about 2 months where i'll learn to do a lot of different make up & a lot of other beauty'stuff . :b
Before i start telling about school i want to tell about my weekend . It was fantastic . It's been a while since i've had such two perfect nights out on a club , but everything was just so great . Some of my besties was with me & even though i got really , really drunk Friday and almost can't remember a thing , i almost didn't drink Saturday - and i still had fun !
Who says you've to drink to have fun ? Not me ! ;)
Actually i don't know what more to tell about right now sorry , hehe . :b I won't tell about my school day and all that today . I would rather wait with that for tomorrow cause we haven't really started yet - but they told me that we'll start out tomorrow with some easy make up assignments . I can't wait ! :b

Kit ♥

Saturday, August 25, 2012

We're living for the weekends

Louise , Oliver & me .
Ooooh i'm so hang'over ! We're totally living for the weekends or something , or this weekend i am haha . Last night i went out with one of my great friends Louise , and Oliver was there too . It started out already at 8 pm , because we were filming a music'video for one of my friends called Malone . He's a pretty great rapper and singer , and it was so fun making the video - plus Olivers oldest child Oscar also was starring in it so i got to meet him . He was soooo sweet ! Really . :b
It's so hard being in the big drama about everything , cause i'm like really in love with Oliver , but i think i'll soon have a long talk with him about all this ! Cause i don't wanna waste my time on a guy who i maybe can't get . Even though he's really , really hot - and really sweet .
Because i'm starting in school on Monday i'm also going out tonight ! Living the wild life and everything , you know haha . :b
But i'm not going to be that drunk tonight , cause i'm feeling really bad today because of all the drinking yesterday , so if i drink too much i'll probably just throw up haha ! I'm getting weak and everything .
I can't wait till monday btw ! But i'll tell you more about that later or when i'm actually starting , cause it's pretty much telling about it right now when i don't know how it'll be . :b
But wish me luck wiie .
Kit ♥

Friday, August 24, 2012

A whole new Kit ! :b

Totally chill hair'cut . :b

I'm feeling like a whole new person now ! Why ? Because i got a new hair'cut today . Or okay i didn't cut all my hair , my hair was almost this short before , but i just got a new bang . For a couple of years ago i had a big , heavy bang and i kinda missed that , but i wasn't ready to get like that heavy bang so i cut a lighter bang that's also pretty easy to style in different ways . :b
This hair'cut is so me i guess . It's a bit old fashion maybe , and i've got some comments about it like i'm looking a bit like a house'wife - you know those from Desperat Housewife , and that it makes me look a bit more mature and like a "sweet girl" haha . :b
Today i'm going out with some friends and with Oliver . You remember that guy i told you i had a little flirt with . Well i actually don't know where we're standing right now cause everything is so complicated . He has a child and an ex'wife , which he hasn't been divorced from yet and well he was actually kinda cheating on her when we kissed so she's pretty mad at him and me !
Everything is just so complicated right now ! But i'll keep you updated about it all , and i really hope it works out cause i hate being in the middle of a complicated relationship , but i really really like this guy and he told me that they actually was about to go from each other when we kissed first time , but it's because she's threathing him with not letting him see his child if they're breaking up or something totally fucked up like that .
Drama ... drama .... drama !XOXO

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Drunk thursday

Me & Prada / Elias . Love love love 

This will be a pretty quick blogging from me today . I'm having a huge hangover because i went out yesterday so i can't really find head or tail in anything today , if you know what i mean . I can't remember much of yesterday , so thank god for the phones with cameras that can show you some of the happenings . Even though most of the pictures are pretty ..... Umh lets just say really bad ! Drunk people shouldn't be aloud to be taken pictures of - or take pictures of other haha ! :b
Anyway . Yesterday i was out at NG26 with some of my great friends - one of them is the sweeeeet Prada / Elias on the picture above , he has been starring in Kongerne af Marienlyst , a danish TV show kinda like Jersey Shore . :b
We got .. Really drunk ! Haha . And well i actually can't tell more cause i don't remember anything . All i know is just that you get really dirty feets after a night out .
Dirty feets haha ! :b 

But i think i'll go back to sleep now hehe . :b I'll write some more tomorrow cause i have a big change to show you all . Look forward to it !

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Double'blogging woop ! :b

Ego'pic wiie . :b
Omg i'm so double'blogging today ! Haha . Actually it's just kinda an accident that i'm blogging twice today , the blog i posted here earlier was actually supposed to be posted yesterday where i wrote it , but somehow blogger didn't wanted to post the shit . Anyway . Now you get double up ! :b
Aren't you just lucky ? Haha !
And well now you don't have to wait for tomorrow to get to know why today was busy , cause i can tell it right away . That's so smart , right ? Anyway . I wont pull the time out so i'm going straight to the point , or something like that . 
Today was busy because i had a shoot ! Yiiir . I'm loving it ! It isn't going to be used to anything , but i don't really care . It was funny and it was for one of my great friends and the amazing photographer Mikkel ! He's so good at taking pictures and making you look fantastic in them , and we both had a lot of great picture ideas .
The shoot in itself wasn't a big deal . The locatian was actually his house , and well it wasn't anything really wild or anything - but it was a big step for me . Because i posed nude ! I've tried that before and i don't have any problems in being nude infront of others , but when i first started out glamour'modelling i had this rule - i would never have taken any nude photos - and that rule i dropped pretty fast after getting boobs . Not that i had any problems with being nude before and infront of people before , but i got tricked into posing nude infront of a photographer before i had them done , and he wasn't actually a photographer . He was pretending to be a pretty well'known and great photographer in Denmark , but since i never had met him before i thought it was him - so of course i did it . And what happened ? I never got my pictures . Eiw !
But Mikkel i know very well and i felt totally comfortable with posing nude infront of him . Of course there was one of the scenes i wasn't that great about - but the he could also feel , so we changed pretty fast .
Now i'm just looking so much forward to see the pictures , they're going to be sooooo porn ! Haha . Oh and i'm also soon starting at my new school !!! On Monday wiiie .
I can't wait !!


Operation new apartment .

It'll be good ! :b 
Hey peepz ! It's been a little while since i wrote on here last time , but now i'll start trying again . I'm soon starting in school where i'll get some make up and styling courses , just to do something . :b
But besides from that i'm also starting the demolition of the walls in my apartment . And i know it'll get good !  I can't wait till i'm finally done here so i can move into my own apartment , designed and re'done by me hehe . :b
My soon to be gold radiator hehe . :b 
Oh and my radiator is going to be gold btw as you can see haha . I'm doing everything almost all by myself ! Not hiring any painters , electricans or builders to do anything for me . Of course i've some good contacts so i can get some help for free . ;)
But i don't know what more to tell about today . So i'll go to bed now , tomorrow is going to be a busy day - i'll tell why tomorrow .


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lip stickers

Lip stickers ..
Hey peepz . A small update from me today , i promise that i'll either make a longer one tomorrow - maybe two , or maybe another one later today where i'll upload some of my new model'pictures the amazing photographer Kenneth Lundgreen took of me , since i've got most of them now . :)
Anyway , this maybe wont be all interesting for all of you , but i just thought i would share this with you , since i think it's a pretty cool thing i just have discovered .
What i am talking about is lip stickers - they are pretty popular actually , many famous singers , actors and etc. actually use them and they're actually really smart . They're a bit expensive but i think they're worth it .
At first they can maybe seem a bit too dramatic to wear , that was my first thought when i tried them but i actually think they're pretty cool now and you can get them in all kind of different colors and patterns .
They're easy to get on , you just need a scissor to cut them so they fit your lips , and there are already made some guide lines on the back side of the lips so you can cut after them , so they don't get all misshaped & everything . :b And then you simply just have to put the sticky side on your lips , and then afterwards hold some water on to them and then voila after 5 minutes they're fully dry ! :D
I think it's really smart ! Of course it's a bit difficult to drink with them , so you have to use a straw most of the time if you want them to keep on sitting onto your lips , and you can't eat too oily food . But they're beautiful ! And they can spice up a boring daily set of clothes . :b
