The danish summer isn't over yet , wiie ! :b
Goodevening or goodnight (?) all my lovely peepz .
You know that thing about the weather sometimes affect your mood ? Well i bet that is pretty much true , or in my case it is . Just when you're walking around in boring grey Denmark and thinking that the summer is already over before it started - boom - the sun comes back from the clouds and the temperature starts rising ! Wiie ..
I haven't actually done much today . I've been in school for a couple of hours - or you know that course i'm taking . I don't know what to call it .. School , course ? Whatever . The point is i'm learning stuff hehe . :b
What i'm really looking forward to is the assignment for tomorrow ! We kinda got home'work for today , pretty easy actually but whatever . We had to go home and find a picture of some wild , classy or what'ever make up we wanted , and then tomorrow we have to do the excat same make up on a model we have to find ourselves . I've already find my model and my picture - but i'll show you that tomorrow , when i've tried putting it on and everything so you've something to lookforward to ! ;)
You know that thing about the weather sometimes affect your mood ? Well i bet that is pretty much true , or in my case it is . Just when you're walking around in boring grey Denmark and thinking that the summer is already over before it started - boom - the sun comes back from the clouds and the temperature starts rising ! Wiie ..
I haven't actually done much today . I've been in school for a couple of hours - or you know that course i'm taking . I don't know what to call it .. School , course ? Whatever . The point is i'm learning stuff hehe . :b
What i'm really looking forward to is the assignment for tomorrow ! We kinda got home'work for today , pretty easy actually but whatever . We had to go home and find a picture of some wild , classy or what'ever make up we wanted , and then tomorrow we have to do the excat same make up on a model we have to find ourselves . I've already find my model and my picture - but i'll show you that tomorrow , when i've tried putting it on and everything so you've something to lookforward to ! ;)
My brother Nicklas playing smart'ass with his skateboard .
Except from being in school , i actually haven't done much today . Except from playing with my brother or what you can say haha . Or playing and playing . I'm 22 and he's 19 years old so we don't really play anymore .. Or do we ? Haha !
But we've had a great time together ! Because it has been such a great weather today were sunbathing in our backyard and then when Nicklas started getting bored by it , he found his skateboard ! Of course i'm always ready for some fun so i found my old roller'blades and then we were just making tricks and stuff on wheels haha ! :b It was so funny . That's one of the thing i love about living at home right now . And something i've missed . That there's always a little'brother you can play with !
- Or maybe not always , the dude is 19 he'll probably also soon be moving out haha !
Anyway . Have a nice evening / night everyone . And sweet dreams !
Kit ♥