Saturday, August 25, 2012

We're living for the weekends

Louise , Oliver & me .
Ooooh i'm so hang'over ! We're totally living for the weekends or something , or this weekend i am haha . Last night i went out with one of my great friends Louise , and Oliver was there too . It started out already at 8 pm , because we were filming a music'video for one of my friends called Malone . He's a pretty great rapper and singer , and it was so fun making the video - plus Olivers oldest child Oscar also was starring in it so i got to meet him . He was soooo sweet ! Really . :b
It's so hard being in the big drama about everything , cause i'm like really in love with Oliver , but i think i'll soon have a long talk with him about all this ! Cause i don't wanna waste my time on a guy who i maybe can't get . Even though he's really , really hot - and really sweet .
Because i'm starting in school on Monday i'm also going out tonight ! Living the wild life and everything , you know haha . :b
But i'm not going to be that drunk tonight , cause i'm feeling really bad today because of all the drinking yesterday , so if i drink too much i'll probably just throw up haha ! I'm getting weak and everything .
I can't wait till monday btw ! But i'll tell you more about that later or when i'm actually starting , cause it's pretty much telling about it right now when i don't know how it'll be . :b
But wish me luck wiie .
Kit ♥

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