Thursday, August 23, 2012

Drunk thursday

Me & Prada / Elias . Love love love 

This will be a pretty quick blogging from me today . I'm having a huge hangover because i went out yesterday so i can't really find head or tail in anything today , if you know what i mean . I can't remember much of yesterday , so thank god for the phones with cameras that can show you some of the happenings . Even though most of the pictures are pretty ..... Umh lets just say really bad ! Drunk people shouldn't be aloud to be taken pictures of - or take pictures of other haha ! :b
Anyway . Yesterday i was out at NG26 with some of my great friends - one of them is the sweeeeet Prada / Elias on the picture above , he has been starring in Kongerne af Marienlyst , a danish TV show kinda like Jersey Shore . :b
We got .. Really drunk ! Haha . And well i actually can't tell more cause i don't remember anything . All i know is just that you get really dirty feets after a night out .
Dirty feets haha ! :b 

But i think i'll go back to sleep now hehe . :b I'll write some more tomorrow cause i have a big change to show you all . Look forward to it !

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