My vacation in Croatia 2006 . :b I'm that only blonde to the left with lots of curls haha .
Hey peepz .So this is one of my planned posts for you guys while i'm on vacation with my best friend . I don't think i'll be able to get to a computer & blog for you guys in Torremolinos - but if i get the chance , for example at my grand'mothers house of course i'll give you a quick update . If not i promise i'll tell you everything , and show lots and lots of pics when i get home ! :)
I talked something about making a post about vacations - so this'll be one of them . I think i'll make more than one , since i've been in a few countries now , and some are worth telling a lot about . That way you guys also get to know me a bit better . Wiie . :b
Well as you can see above i've been in Croatia before . Actually i've been there 2 times . It was like a tradition for two years that we had to go to Croatia . Both years we lived in a house'car or what you can call it in english - actually in 2006 me & two of my cousins lived in a little tent outside the house'car . We thought that was cool and so cozy . NOT !
Both years i was in Croatia was with my mom and my moms boy'friend Fido . One of the years my younger brother Nicklas was with us too . But the first year he wasn't . :b
I'm actually missing those times a bit . You know . Back then where you were young , ugly and just running around & having fun with the family on travels and all that . :b - Of course when i was in Croatia in 2008 i was also going out and everything . I got a lot to drink - and a few holiday'boyfriends haha . ;)
Me, my mom & brother .
We also went out drinking . :b haha .
Samsø'festivalen back in 2006 . Me , my x'boyfriend in the back and 2 half'cousins . :b
Samsø'festivalenWell i don't know if you really can call this for a vacation cause it's actually in Denmark so i haven't "really travelled" anywhere for this - except from to Samsø - which is a island kinda thing here in Denmark . But i'll count this on as a vacation , since well for me it kinda was a vacation .
My mom got me this job as Samsø'festivalen as it's called - in english it'll probably be Samsø festive or something like that . But i had to work at this festive , where there was played music and everything , with my x'boyfriend back then . And well the job was kinda like a vacation . In those small shops that was there we just had to help them and make some entertainment for the younger kids at the festive . So it was a luxus holiday' job ! :b
Me & two of my class'mates from Fashion Design Akademiet back in 2010 .
Paris , FranceSo since i've been a bit around the world it haven't all been travelling with my family - i've also been on an education'trip for my class . This was when i still was a student at Fashion Design Akademiet - a school in Cph , where i was studying to become a designer . But i dropped out because of some personal reasons & too much stress . :b
Anyway . Before i dropped out i got on this trip to Paris where we went to see some fashion'shows and look at the shops and fashion over there , since this is just the fashion capital or what you can call it . :b
Heidelberg 2007 . :b
Heidelberg , Germany
I've also been in Germany once . In Heidelberg - this was actually kind of a back & the where my family came from trip or what you can call it . Far , far , far , far out in my family i'm from an old king'family or something like that , so we were in Heidelberg to see the castle there - and just to see the city also . Did you know that in Heidelberg they have one of the best universities or something like that ? :b Pretty cool actually , and i can still remember that !
But i think this will be it for now . :b
I've made a part 2 that will be uploaded tomorrow ! Maybe if i've time there'll be a double posting tomorrow if i get on the computer ? Who knows hehe . :b
Kit ♥
But i think this will be it for now . :b
I've made a part 2 that will be uploaded tomorrow ! Maybe if i've time there'll be a double posting tomorrow if i get on the computer ? Who knows hehe . :b
Kit ♥
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