Thursday, October 25, 2012

Vacations part 2

My vacation in Austria 2007 . :b 
So i promised you guys that i would make a part II of my vacations - maybe i'll even make a part III , not because i've been soooo many places anymore , but because i've been in some countries more than once , so i've a lot of stories from there i would like to tell you guys about . But lets see what this'll bring . :b 
Beautiful nature !
I don't know how many of you guys from maybe other countries have tried this ? But in Denmark it's a pretty normal thing that many danes around winter'vacations takes of to either Norway , Sweden or Austria for a skiing'vacation . And back in 2007 i was on a skiing'vacation with some of my family . :b
This was the first time ever i tried skiing and at first it was really hard & difficult , but after a couple of tries i actually got okay to it - or that's my opinion . I thought it was pretty funny , but it's not something i would like to try again !! :b I will much rather go to a country far away where there's sun , exotic drinks and beautiful beaches . 

My mom & I in Poland in 2007 . 
Poland 2007 , second time . Me , fido , my mom and younger brother . :b
Poland , first time & second time in 2007 . 
Poland is one of the countries i've been to most time - or well . Poland and Spain actually . I think i've been there around the same number of times . And now you're probably thinking this is crazy i've been travelling so much on 1 year , since i already wrote i was on a skiing'vacation in 2007 - but i actually also was in Poland two tims in 2007 . Both times was with my mom , Fido and my younger brother . This is like a family'tradition you can say . We're going there almost every year just to get an experience . We're walking around enjoying the culture there , and buying a lot of cheap clothes , jewelries and stuff like that - if you know the right places , you can buy a lot of cheap stuff there actually . Smart , smart , smart . ;)

Poland , 2008 .. Kira & me .
Poland again . :b 
So of course i was back in Poland again in 2008 - but this time the vacation was a bit different than back in 2007 . We took a very short vacation on this ferry to Poland , where we had to sleep for a night both on our way there - but also on our way home . And it wasn't just a ferry - it was like a party'ferry ! Or we made it into one me & my best friend Kira haha ! :b It ended up being kind of a short drunk'vacation for us , because  we got some drinks at different clubs and stuff like that - and my brother wasn't with us this year , so i'm glad that i could bring my best friend so i wasn't all lonely . :b . This was probably one of the funniest vacations i've ever been on hehe . :b Maybe i'll make a post only about this year actually , since i've a lot of funny stories and pictures to show you guys from this vacation hehe .
Me & Johnni at a restaurant in Poland 2010 !
Poland again , again .
So i had a little break from Poland vacations , but back in 2010 i was back again . This time wasn't with Kira or my younger brother - but with my ex'boyfriend Johnni , which i'm btw still good friends with , if you have forgotten that . :b
We were of course invited by my mom and Fido , and it was actually pretty relaxing . A short lovers'vacation for both me & johnni - and also for my mom & Fido hehe . :b - We were there only for a weekend btw , just to shop some clothes , see a couple of things there and to get some delicious food . 
In Thailand 2009 , me , Tine , my two half younger'twin brothers and my father . 
Me & Peter on an elephant . :b
In 2009 i was in Thailand right before my father died of cancer . It was his last vacation - and my last vacation with him . But it was a great vacation , and i know that he always have dreamed of this vacation , so i'm glad we got to give him it as a last wish or what you can say .
The vacation was also amazing ! And i'll recommend everyone to go to Thailand at least once in their life . The flight there might a bit expensive and long , but when you get there everything is just so cheap - and you wont regret it . The nature is amazing ! And there's just so much to see and experience . The culture is also amazing . And the food is delicious ! I was there for 2 weeks , and i wouldn't mind going there again - i still feel there's so much i want to see that i didn't had the time for when we was there .
It's a big experience that i'm so glad i didn't missed out on - cause i was actually about to turn down the offer of coming with because of my x'fiancee back then , my school and because i was worried about travelling with my father since he was sick - i was so afraid that he wouldn't enjoy it because he was too sick , or that he would pass out or get more ill because of the vacation .
But i'm so glad i said yes ! I got to see beautiful white tigers , the beautiful nature , feed fishes , dive , riding on an elephant through the jungle etc. etc. etc. - i think i'll also make a blog'post only about my Thailand travel just to show you the amazing nature & the amazing photos i got from my vacation there . 

Me & Johnni on Rhodos in 2011 . 
If some of you guys read my blog back then you might already know that i was on Rhodos last year with my x'boyfriend Johnni . This was my first time ever in Greece , and it was actually also my first "real" vacation with a boyfriend . I've never tried that before ! But it was so relaxing . We enjoyed each others company , went to a lot of great restaurants , relaxed and got a lot of sun etc. - and i also learned to dance Zauba or how it spelled . That greek dance they're dancing sometimes here haha . :b 

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