Saturday, October 4, 2014

First zoo trip

Emina love the goats . :b

It's been like a pretty long time since i blogged the last time - actually it was the day before Emina baptism & i know that i have promised not to talk so much about it anymore , but i still haven't told you guys about how it went & shown pictures from the big day . Sorry ... But i'll soon make a post about it . And it'll probably be the last post about the baptism , i promise haha .. Or maybe i'll make 2 cause i got like 10000 pictures hehe .

Anyway .. I want to tell you guys about our first trip to the Zoo with Emina . We went there Thursday & she loved it ! It's starting to get a bit cold home here in Denmark , but luckily we chose the perfect day cause the weather was with us , and it was actually pretty hot considering we're in October now . So now - it's not because we're vikings & run around in t-shirts in -10 degrees , but because we had a good day in Denmark haha . :b
Zoo - also more known as Zoologisk Have in danish is kind of a big attraction in Denmark . You guys probably know what a Zoo is from NYC or stuff like that .. I know you in many countries has one ? . Or i guess so haha . :b At least i know there's one in NYC , San Diego & Spain haha . ;)

It was a big success ! And Emina loved it ! She was smiling through the whole day , and especially the goats was she crazy about . But that's not weird since it's like the only animal in the Zoo you can touch & go into .. So that's a clear favorite for most children hehe . :b The Zebras was also a big favourite of hers as you can see on the picture above haha . Not the giraffe with the long special neck - but no .. The Zebra - the small looking like a striped horse-animal haha . :b
Anyway - she loved it and that's the most important thing about the day , so it's definatly not the last time we're going to the Zoo with her . We had a great family'day wiie. 
Emina studying the Zebras even though there's a giraffe right infront of us haha . 
short picture spam of some of the animals - i got some pretty good pictures actually . :b


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