Sunday, October 26, 2014

Weekend summary

Friday selfie - ready for 50-year birthday celebration . :b
Weekend summary for you guys; now i didn't really got the time to sit down and blog friday & yesterday - so i think it's time for this weekend summary so you know what i've been doing in my weekend . :b It's a smart right haha ?

Anyway - Friday was a day in the sign of the family & party - or well, party and party .. Mikkels mom celebrated her 50-year birthday so of course it was a larger event than only buns and hot chocolate . So the trip went to Frederikssund for a great evening with lots of fun , talking and of course also dancing . She had rented a room for the party , and i think we were about 50-60 people , like family , friends , co-workers etc. etc.
It was pretty cool getting to know the friends of the family too - of course i've met Mikkels whole family , but i haven't met many of their friends and co-workers neither .. That would be a bit weird sure , but it was fun talking to them and getting to know them too , and hearing all the dirty little secrets they're keeping from me haha . :b Joking - joking .

Golden effect . :b

Saturday was more of a working day for me . I'm thinking out of the box and being creative again , and i love it ! :b - Do you guys remember that wall i was making ? The one i went through 3 whole days to finish and the mess was just crazy ! Well .. I wasn't completely satisfied with the result , cause of course you can always improve it or make it look different in some kind of way ..
And i thought it needed the last finish - so as you can see on the pic above i'm in the middle of giving the wall a more golden effect . Great right ? :b It makes it look even more unique and well kinda expensive even though it had cost me like ... Almost nothing to do . :b
Dinner - chicken in crushed pork rinds

For saturdays dinner i also felt a bit creative and thinking out of the box . I talked with Mikkels sister Louise about some great combinations of food , and she told me that she once had tasted this kinda chicken in crushed pork rinds , which she meant was really good !
So i felt inspired and thought .. Well why not ? I was only going to make dinner for 1 since Mikkel were going on work and already had eaten ... So i experimented .
And i can tell you guys it was delicious ! It tasted a bit like nuggets .. Just even better ! 
The recipe: Chicken breast cut into small pieces and rolled in flour - next it's rolled into egg mixed with a bit of milk - and last into crushed pork rinds with salt and pepper . Then you're going to pan fry it in oil over high heat .. 
It turned out great and it's definitely not the last time i'm cooking this . The rest of the dish btw are just kinda whatever we had in the fridge; some glass noodles with sweet chili sauce and soy sauce and a tomato salad . Yummy . :b

Today i haven't been doing much - just relaxing on the couch with Emina who's a bit ill right now . I'm not hoping it'll get any worse cause i hate seeing my little sweet'heart sick ♥ - oh but i'm thinking about soon making a cake for tomorrow . The girls from the mothers group are coming here for a get-together . :b 


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