I'm on top again - the cold is kinda gone , and Emina is also starting to get better so everything is working out just well at our little home . No one is down with a fever or anything - and there's only 2 days till we're sitting on our first family'vacation together for 1 week in Spain to visit my sweet grand'mother and get at least a bit of sun . The weather in Denmark right now ... Not really something you can brag off . Really sad autumn weather with lots of wind , it's cold and grey . And it get darks earlier and earlier . Luckily we're soon in December ! That means christmas . And i love christmas ! Wiiie . ♥
Anyway - it's been a while since i've made a "real selfie" post .. Back in the days i used to do it a lot you know , lots of pictures , lots of show off haha . :b
And i'm kinda missing that a bit . You know it is my blog so i'm aloud to show off and upload all kinds of crazy ego'pics . So that's pretty much what todays post is all about .
Just a few selfie pics of me . Ego ego ego . Not because they're much worth you know - they're taking on our toilet in true teenage'selfie'style so nothing fancy with a photographer and all posed up . :b
But i think they came out fine didn't they ? Haha .
You only got the fun you make yourself ♥
And yea well . That was pretty much what i wanted to use this blog'post so . :b
Not really a lot of creativity putted in this post - but sometimes it's okay to just make a boring post just for showing off haha . :b
Tomorrow is a big day !
I'm getting up early to get my nails and hair done by some of my greatest friends wiiie . So i'm looking great for the music'video shoot i'm having later that afternoon . I can't wait !
I'm sure it'll be just great - and i'm sooooo looking forward to showing and telling you guys all about it . :b
Afterwards i'm going straight home to back up everything and getting ready for our travel Friday noon . Wiiie .
I'm also going to plan make some planned blog'posts while i'm on vacation - i'll try to get to a computer and do some live'blogging from Spain if i get the opportunity , but i can't promise i'll get the time and chance for that . But then you'll get some planned posts from me - pictures from the baptism and pictures we had taken of Emina before the baptism , cause i still haven't showed them off so this is the perfect time wiiie .
Kit ♥
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