Emina - ready for celebration . :b
Today is it my Eminas great daddy - and my fantastic boy'friends birthday . Congratulaaaaaaaations my sweety . We've been celebrating it , but sadly my birthday'gift for Mikkel isn't ready yet - you know that jewelry'thing i talked about .. Apparently it takes like forever to make it , but i contacted the store yesterday and they said it would hopefully be ready in a few days . :b
So i'm crossing my fingers .

So many fishes .
Anyway for Mikkels birthday today we chose to visit "Den blå planet" (the blue planet - i think it's called national aquarium in english) just celebrating him very casual and not with some big party or stuff like that . :b
And Mikkel really wanted to see it . Sadly it was a bit disappointing . I thought it was a lot bigger and with like huge sharks and stuff like that - but it's still a cool experience and it's really fine . But it was okay anyway . Emina enjoyed it ! All those fishes everywhere was a pretty amazing experience for her haha . :b

I got a new lover haha . :b
Tomorrow we're celebrating Mikkels birthday for the rest of the family - you know my mother , Fido , his mother and sister and some of his friends and co-workers are also coming . :b
Again not something big and fancy but just a nice , unformal celebrating of my lovely man wiie . And of course i'm going to make some great desserts for us . :b
But i'll let that be a surprise and not reveal it before tomorrow . Muhaha . :b
And last but before i'm going of to bed - we're travelling to Spain next Friday wiie ! For a week - just the 3 of us to visit my grand'mother and get a short family'vacation out of it .
Luckily my grand'mother says it's still hot and it should be okay weather for the time we'll be staying there . We're crossing our fingers for that !
It'll be great anyway to see her again - and it'll be Eminas first travel so i'm pretty excited to see how she'll react . :b
Kit ♥
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