I'm sharing a coke with my "Nuser" ♥
Actually i don't really have much to say today - so this is more like a blog'post to just post something on the blog .. Or well .. Kinda that way . :b
I've been out with Emina today to do some christmas shopping , and we choose to do a quick stop on this pizza place where i got something to eat and drink . :b And as you can see Emina were very fascinated about that coke - but she didn't get any though .
She've already tasted pommes frites , cake and other good stuff - but my coke .. Nooooope! That's mine haha . :b
I love this !
I also had to share this with you guys .
I really love this picture ! It's from the latest music'video i was starring in for the super'talented Lasse Kjær ! :) The video is slowly getting edited and ready for publishing - but i still have no idea when it'll be finish and ready to be shown to the world . :b
But i can tell you guys that i'm sooooo excited about seeing the result of it ! As i mentioned in one of my earlier posts it's not like any of the other music'videoes i've been starring in before - so this i'm super excited about seeing . Especially because i'm sure it'll be great ! :b
Kit ♥