Saturday, September 29, 2012


Gooooooo Robinson ! :b
Haaaaaaallo dear peepz ! :b
Right now i'm in the best mood ever ! I can't wait till later tonight . In about 30 minutes i'll have to go for this foot'ball match between my lovely Robinson friends and some other teams . I wont be playing though - i suck at foot'ball haha ! I'm like a ball'spass or what you can call it . Can't even hit it if it's infront of me . :b
But that wont stop me from going there - i'll be there to cheer for the Robinson'team with some of the other Robinsons who wont be playing . And i'm sure our cheering will make them win haha .
I've dressed myself up with a "head'bandage" and wrote Robinson over my chest - and of course i've also choosed some Robinson'like clothes for this occation ! :b - Nothing will be missing just for this .
And i can't wait for later tonight ! After the foot'ball match i'll be going home with lovely Marlene from Robinson to get dressed up and eat some great food before we're going to a party for the different foot'ball teams - you know some kinda reality'star party on Søpavillonen . It'll be great ! And i'm going to be druuuuuunk ! Haha . :b 
Pic from last night . Oooooh god haha .
Btw i was also out yesterday . I'm a busy busy drunk woman ! Haha . No really i didn't really got drunk . But looking on the picture above you should think i was , cause my hair is sitting like hell there . I tried styling it in another way yesterday and when i came it looked pretty well , but when i was going home . And already there it looked like hell ! :b
We started out with some pre'party as you can see on the picture above in one of my friends garage before we went to Cheap . Wasn't that special actually , but it was cozy enough of what you can say hehe . :b
But i better stop blogging now - i still need to do a few details before my look is complete .


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Violence in school .

Assignment : Bruises .
Today was a very wild day at school dear peepz ! Why ? Because everybody ended up walking around with eaither blood , bruises , split eyebrows , wounds on their hands and other parts of the body etc. etc.
You guys might think we got into a bit of a cat'fight ? Hahaha don't you worry - we didn't . It was an assignment for school . Theatre make up . Where we learned to make bruises and to make different kind of injuries with make up on each other . It was so funny !
Okay i might sound a bit crazy when i'm saying it was fun - but really . We looked so crazy ! It looked so real and we really felt us into the role when we had to get pictures taken . :b
There's not much more to tell about today actually . The weather in Denmark have been pretty boring so i've not really felt like doing anything other than just sitting at home , with a big bowl of pop'corn & some great movies . :b
But i wanna show you some pictures of our work today , so here you go :
Splitted eye'brow .
After a wild fight with a gun'shot in the forehead & just .. Pretty dead haha ! :b
Even though some of us are close to be death , we still smile ! :D 
Oh btw peepz ! I've some very interesting news to tell you - or i wont tell you yet . And i can't show it yet , but very soon there'll be done some sick changes on my look or what you can say ! Maybe not sick .. But some big changes on me ! So look forward to see that ! :b 


Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Assignment : Cover brows and lips and draw them up again in a new way .
Hey peepz ! This'll be a pretty quick blog'update from me today . I actually don't have a lot to tell - that's one of the reasons , but i also just came home from a lovely evening with my lovely Robinsons - you know those from Robinson , so i'm all exhausted . So dead !
First of all i was in school today - of course . It's actually pretty sad , i don't have many weeks left on my education here , and i'll miss those girls i've met here . My class , i love them ! In such a short time we've built up a pretty special bond . I know it sounds sick like back in the "real" school again . But they really are some amazing girls so i'll miss them so much ! And i'll miss all the playing with make up and all the different styles we've learned & all that . :b 
Today we had an assignment - we had to cover our crows and lips , and then draw them up again in a new way . My result ended out as on the picture above . Not really pretty or anything , but more like high fashion ! I love stuff like that . Edgy and special - not a way you can look everyday . I choosed to do it a little bit chinese too with the brow haha . :b
All dolled up for the evening ! :b 
As i wrote above i've also been out all evening with some of my lovely Robinsons . We've been in Tivoli the most of the day . Pretty sad actually cause it was raining most of the time . But we survived ! :b Hehe . Later on we went home to Jens from Robinson to grill outside . Even though it was a bit cold we also survived that - of course we're ROBINSONS ! Haha . :b A bit rain and wind can't stop us . We've survived on an island  haha !
But i think i'll lay down now and get some sleep before i've to get up again tomorrow to go to school .


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Good evening Denmark & pussy !

Me & Vanja at the studio . :b 
Hey peepz ! Sorry i haven't posted anything since tuesday / wednesday i think it was ? Can't remember .. But i've been pretty busy as you probably could figure out yourself .
As i told you guys i was starring in a danish talk'show thursday called "Godaften Danmark" (In english good evening Denmark) were me and this other woman should talk about silicone'boobs - why we got them , how our life changed after we got them etc. etc.
I didn't knew who the other woman was before i met her at the studio , and honestly i was like really afraid that she would be some bitch who only wanted to talk about herself & wouldn't let me speak - or some bitch who would talk shit about why i got my boob'job because she maybe had another reason . But the other woman was actually really sweet . Her name is Vanja , and the reason why she got hers was that she've giving birth to 3 children and thought that now was the time to get some lift and bigger boobs . I soooo get her ! :b Even though i haven't giving birth to anyone yet , i've heard all those horror stories about how your boobs changes and all that hahaha !

Oh and this weekend i've actually been on work or what you can say . I've been choosed to be promotion'girl for this new energy'drink that've come to Denmark you know . Or well new and new . It have been in Denmark for a while now , but it haven't been launched in all stores yet , and it still needs a lot of promotion to get like out there .
I don't know if you guys remember it ? Pussy was the energy'drink called . And it's delicious ! :b
So this weekend Louise & me (the picture above) got choosed to do some promotion for the energy'drink at some local bars in Copenhagen both friday and saturday . :b
- Can you guys now understand i've been a busy girl ? Haha ! Anyway . Tomorrow i'm going to school wiie . New cool stuff to learn . Can't waaaait !
And then there's also soon a Robinson'event with some of my friends i've been on Robinson with . But i'll tell you more later . 


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I'm getting older every day ..

I can't wait till i get old . I'll be the sexiest old lady ever haha ! :b 
You know the feeling of getting and feeling older every day ? And looking older every day ? Well that feeling i really felt today in school . Today i felt like really really old !
We had an assignment today - to make each other look old by using make up . So we gave each other an extreme make over , and the result .. Lets just say it turned out to look pretty funny . And we had so much fun doing it , cause we really felt old . We lived us into the role of being an old lady haha !
I can tell you that i really did . The hair , the glasses and the little scarf kinda thing over the shoulder made me totally into the role of an old lady . And since i've been doing some modelling when i was younger at one of the best theatre'schools in Denmark i was really acting old !
The funniest part when was we went for lunch . We didn't remove any of the make up , and decided to go down on a little local café not a while from the school - and i can tell you guys , walking through Copenhagen  wearing extreme make up that make you look like an old lady - while acting old , really makes you get A LOT of attention from the peepz around you ! Haha . :b
Under the progress - making my model look old . :b
Before and after shot of my model - make up done by me . 

or the assignment we were told to use grease color make up or what you can call it in english . It's not like normal make up  - more greasy as you could probably figure out from the name , and by using that you can make a lot of cool extreme make over looks . It's usually that type of make up the make up artists use on the actors in movies too .
All the old ladies haha . :b 

Oh btw i've some exciting news for you guys !
Thursday i'll be starring in "Godaften Danmark" (Good evening Denmark) in english . It's a talkshow showed at TV2 in Denmark at 17.00 - where me & a woman named Vanja (i don't know her, exciting, exciting) will be talking about silicone'boobs and telling our story about why we did it etc. since it's getting so normal . I'm so nervous !!!! Wish me luck . :b


Monday, September 17, 2012

I'm well again - after a wild weekend .

Can you spell d-r-u-n-k . Haha ! :b 
Hey peepz . Sorry i haven't blogged the whole week . But i've been sick ! Nothing serious , i've just had a fever - some kinda flu i think or something . But my head was killing me , i've been throwing up and just feeling really bad . But i'm feeling all better now - maybe i just needed some alcohol to cure me haha ! :b 
Cause i can tell you guys that this weekend have been wild !
Or .. Saturday have been wild . I went out with one of my great friends , Louise . And we got really , really drunk haha ! We're loving it . :b
Oh and remember i told you about learning that super cool thing at school ? Sadly i didn't learned anything , cause i got sick . But we were learning draq make up that day ! I would soooo have loved to been there . But of course i'm that unlucky person who gets sick . Damn . :/
Anyway . Tomorrow i think will be pretty cool too - and i can tell you guys that you maybe will be seeing me some years from now ... Or something like that . 


Monday, September 10, 2012

Shoot and chilling in the sun

Chilling on Amager strand'park .
The summer in Denmark isn't all over yet - and that i can't thank God enough for ! I'm loving the summer . I love everything about it . The sun , the heat , and how everybody just seems so much happier when it's summer . So please let it be like this a bit longer ! Even though they've promised that the summer weather soon will be gone & we'll go darker and more fall'kinda times in meeting now . Damn ! :(
Anyway . Today been a pretty un'stressed day . I haven't been to school because we got a day off wiie ! But i'll be back tomorrow for more learning . And i can tell you guys that tomorrow will be a pretty special and SO cool thing we'll be learning ! I can't wait hehe . :b 

nstead of being in school i've actually been a bit busy - or busy and busy . I've relaxed at Amager Strand'park most of the day with one of my good friends , Freja . But it haven't been a all stress free day . We met up at the beach around 13:00 where the great weather was over us . So we just relaxed , eat a lot of good food and got tanned .
But later we both had a shoot with the danish magazine Se&Hør . It's nothing special just a bikini'shoot for the magazine a small article in it . But it's still pretty cool . And it was no problem posing in a bikini since the weather was great !
One of the cute little girls hehe . :)
The most fun part about the shoot was actually that while we were taking pictures a school'class pasted by us , and some of them recognized me from the danish reality'show Robinson i've been starring in . They god all excited and some of them asked to get some pictures taken with me . Haha !
It's funny getting recognized on the streets actually . Especially because i wasn't expecting this . And because they were only from like 7th grade (7. klasse) - you know like a bunch of between 11-13 year old girls and guys . 
And of course i let them take some pictures with me . That was so fun ! I'm feeling all famous now . Haha . ;)


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Front'page hunt 2012 is over !

Beautiful flowers .

So the Front'page hunt 2012 i was competing in is over now . The final was here yesterday (sorry i haven't told you guys anything about it btw) and just call me a bad loser but i won a 2nd place again - i also did back in 2010 , and that really annoys me ! Of course the winner deserved it . She's a beautiful and amazing girl . But i'm one of those types who just can't stand to lose - and it's even worse when it's second time i'm losing now in the same competition . 
But i had a great evening anyway . I drinking , having fun and i still won something - the beautiful flowers on the photo above , two bottles of Asti and 5000 danish kr. so that's okay . I think i'll just try again next year , and this time i'm really hoping that i'm going to win . If not .. Then it's just double annoying ! Haha .
I've some pictures from the night i wanna show you here :
Waiting for the metro . We were so ready for the night ! Haha . :b
All the beautiful girls ready for the final ! 
Haha !
Still happy even though i didn't won the first place .

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Get to know me

This blog is planned a days before it's actually posted , so i really hope that blogger will post it anyway . But i've been drunk the day before this & i'm not sure how much blogging i'll be able to do then haha . But i wont cheat you from a blog'post so i think it could be funny to make a little Get to know me post - just so you get to know me a bit better ?
I've found a couple of questions on different sites which i'll answer on now . So enjoy !

Get to know me :

When was the last time you cried ? I'm not that kind of person that cry often and a lot , i usually almost always try to see the good in everything . So i can't really remember .
Do you have any children ? Nope not yet - but i soon want to have some . ;)
If you were another person , do you think you would be friends with yourself ? Ye i think so , i don't think there's anything wrong with me . Hehe . :D
Would you ever bungee'jump ? Hell yir ! I would love to try that . I've tried a lot , but never bungee'jumping . But soon .. Very soon ..
What's your favorite break'fast ? Eggs , sausages and lots of bacon i think . Mmmmh
What's the first thing you look at on another person ? Their eyes or smile . Of course it depends a bit on what catches my eyes first - cause muscles on a guy does too . But nothing beat a cute smile and beautiful eyes . :b
What color are your eyes ? They're green .
Scary movies or movies with happy endings ? Happy ending movies i think ! Not that i hate scary movies , but i've always had a little thing for movies with happy endings , cause who don't secretly dream about that happy ending where the guy chases you through the air'port before you leaves just to tell you that he loves you , and you'll live happy together forever . 
Summer or winter ? Summer ! Cause i love high temperatures , lots of sun and chilling on the beach with a big ice'cream .
What country , that you've visited have been the farthest away from home ? That would probably be Thailand . :b
Do you have any special talents ? Well i'm very flexible , so i can take my legs behind my neck - and then i'm a bit of a everything'woman so i've a lot of talents like drawing , doing make up , editing pictures etc. :b
Where are you born ? Rigshospitalet .
Do you have any pets ? Sadly no . :( - Back in the days i had two dogs at my moms , but now they're both dead .
Do you have any siblings ? I've 6 siblings .
What something you learned about love ? That it can be either the greatest or the worst thing in life !
Do you think cheating is okay , ever ? Nope ! I don't think it's okay to cheat no matter what . There isn't any excuse for cheating !
Do you have any regrets in life ? NO REGRETS ! And i don't think i'll ever regret anything . You're the master of your own life and destiny - so i don't think you should regret anything you'll ever do .
Your last ex is having a break'down and really needs you what do you do ? Of course i would help him . We splitted up as friends , and we're still great friends so i would be there for him .
Who is the person you trust the most ? That would probably be my mom . I can tell her everything !
You can erase any horrible experience from your past . What will it be ? I wouldn't erase any memory , even though it's horrible . All the experiences i've had in my life - both horrible and good have made me the person i am today .

That was the questions i found . Hope you got to know me a bit better .

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Make up and a little pre'taste . :b

Make up done by me . :b 
I promised you guys that i would upload a picture and tell a bit about that assignment i had here the other day in school . The assignment was to find a picture and do the excat same make up on the model . I'm so lucky that one of my great friends were willing to put her face in my hands , and well i think the result ended up pretty well and not to brag too much but i can't really see the difference on my model and the model on the picture ! :b Hehe .
What do you guys think ? Doesn't it look pretty well ? :)

Oh and now a little commercial for a great kebab place in Copenhagen ! Hehe . :b
After school today me and my friend Louise met on Copenhagen central station and decided that we wanted to go out and eat . Since none of us really got a lot of money or anything - as i told you guys yesterday , we ended up buying kebab .
Now we aren't those types who eat kebab a lot , so we didn't really knew where to go . We found this pretty sinister place called Kosk Kebab on Nørrebro .
Or at first it seemed pretty sinister , because it looked very small and everything , but it was actually pretty big and their kebab was actually really good !
And last but not least - a little pre'view on the photo'shoot i had for a little while ago . I haven't got the edited pictures yet , but yesterday my photographer mailed me the un'edited ones , and some of them are actually pretty good . :b
So until i get the edited ones , i might show you guys some of these - it's the same anyway . Except from the fact that you always look a bit better when they get edited haha. :D


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

More sun'shine ! :b

Yuuum . On halvandet .
Hey peepz . Sorry now i got really bad at blogging again ! But i've just been so busy this weekend and the rest of the last week so i haven't really had much time for blogging .
I know i promised to show you some of the stuff we've been doing on the school , but i hope it's okay if i'll wait with that for tomorrow ? Cause i'm actually on my way to bed right now . I gotta get up early - you know school . :b

Anyway . A short blogging about todays big activities . Well actually i haven't done much , i've been in school of course and then i've been on Halvandet with some great friends , just to enjoy the last of the danish summer . I think we're soon going to meet the cold times again . With lots of windy weather , rain and all that shitty stuff ! I'm really not looking forward to that , cause i was actually almost getting used to Denmark as a country where the weather was medium good with okay temperatures & sun . 
Haha ! :b 
Now to the saddest part ! On our way home me and my good friend , Louise , actually had to hitch'hike to get home ! I know . It's so sad . But some jerk stole Louises purse and almost don't have any money because i don't have a job yet , so we couldn't afford a cab - and there was a bus but it'll take like forever .
Hitch'hiking actually wasn't that bad . Of course it took a while before someone stopped and picked us up - but we managed to be picked up by a sweet lady who drove us home . Thank you Random Heidi'girl you're our hero ! Haha . :D
