Sunday, September 23, 2012

Good evening Denmark & pussy !

Me & Vanja at the studio . :b 
Hey peepz ! Sorry i haven't posted anything since tuesday / wednesday i think it was ? Can't remember .. But i've been pretty busy as you probably could figure out yourself .
As i told you guys i was starring in a danish talk'show thursday called "Godaften Danmark" (In english good evening Denmark) were me and this other woman should talk about silicone'boobs - why we got them , how our life changed after we got them etc. etc.
I didn't knew who the other woman was before i met her at the studio , and honestly i was like really afraid that she would be some bitch who only wanted to talk about herself & wouldn't let me speak - or some bitch who would talk shit about why i got my boob'job because she maybe had another reason . But the other woman was actually really sweet . Her name is Vanja , and the reason why she got hers was that she've giving birth to 3 children and thought that now was the time to get some lift and bigger boobs . I soooo get her ! :b Even though i haven't giving birth to anyone yet , i've heard all those horror stories about how your boobs changes and all that hahaha !

Oh and this weekend i've actually been on work or what you can say . I've been choosed to be promotion'girl for this new energy'drink that've come to Denmark you know . Or well new and new . It have been in Denmark for a while now , but it haven't been launched in all stores yet , and it still needs a lot of promotion to get like out there .
I don't know if you guys remember it ? Pussy was the energy'drink called . And it's delicious ! :b
So this weekend Louise & me (the picture above) got choosed to do some promotion for the energy'drink at some local bars in Copenhagen both friday and saturday . :b
- Can you guys now understand i've been a busy girl ? Haha ! Anyway . Tomorrow i'm going to school wiie . New cool stuff to learn . Can't waaaait !
And then there's also soon a Robinson'event with some of my friends i've been on Robinson with . But i'll tell you more later . 


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