Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Assignment : Cover brows and lips and draw them up again in a new way .
Hey peepz ! This'll be a pretty quick blog'update from me today . I actually don't have a lot to tell - that's one of the reasons , but i also just came home from a lovely evening with my lovely Robinsons - you know those from Robinson , so i'm all exhausted . So dead !
First of all i was in school today - of course . It's actually pretty sad , i don't have many weeks left on my education here , and i'll miss those girls i've met here . My class , i love them ! In such a short time we've built up a pretty special bond . I know it sounds sick like back in the "real" school again . But they really are some amazing girls so i'll miss them so much ! And i'll miss all the playing with make up and all the different styles we've learned & all that . :b 
Today we had an assignment - we had to cover our crows and lips , and then draw them up again in a new way . My result ended out as on the picture above . Not really pretty or anything , but more like high fashion ! I love stuff like that . Edgy and special - not a way you can look everyday . I choosed to do it a little bit chinese too with the brow haha . :b
All dolled up for the evening ! :b 
As i wrote above i've also been out all evening with some of my lovely Robinsons . We've been in Tivoli the most of the day . Pretty sad actually cause it was raining most of the time . But we survived ! :b Hehe . Later on we went home to Jens from Robinson to grill outside . Even though it was a bit cold we also survived that - of course we're ROBINSONS ! Haha . :b A bit rain and wind can't stop us . We've survived on an island  haha !
But i think i'll lay down now and get some sleep before i've to get up again tomorrow to go to school .


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