Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I'm getting older every day ..

I can't wait till i get old . I'll be the sexiest old lady ever haha ! :b 
You know the feeling of getting and feeling older every day ? And looking older every day ? Well that feeling i really felt today in school . Today i felt like really really old !
We had an assignment today - to make each other look old by using make up . So we gave each other an extreme make over , and the result .. Lets just say it turned out to look pretty funny . And we had so much fun doing it , cause we really felt old . We lived us into the role of being an old lady haha !
I can tell you that i really did . The hair , the glasses and the little scarf kinda thing over the shoulder made me totally into the role of an old lady . And since i've been doing some modelling when i was younger at one of the best theatre'schools in Denmark i was really acting old !
The funniest part when was we went for lunch . We didn't remove any of the make up , and decided to go down on a little local café not a while from the school - and i can tell you guys , walking through Copenhagen  wearing extreme make up that make you look like an old lady - while acting old , really makes you get A LOT of attention from the peepz around you ! Haha . :b
Under the progress - making my model look old . :b
Before and after shot of my model - make up done by me . 

or the assignment we were told to use grease color make up or what you can call it in english . It's not like normal make up  - more greasy as you could probably figure out from the name , and by using that you can make a lot of cool extreme make over looks . It's usually that type of make up the make up artists use on the actors in movies too .
All the old ladies haha . :b 

Oh btw i've some exciting news for you guys !
Thursday i'll be starring in "Godaften Danmark" (Good evening Denmark) in english . It's a talkshow showed at TV2 in Denmark at 17.00 - where me & a woman named Vanja (i don't know her, exciting, exciting) will be talking about silicone'boobs and telling our story about why we did it etc. since it's getting so normal . I'm so nervous !!!! Wish me luck . :b


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