Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Let me introduce .....

Me & Robin ! :)

....... Robin ! That's my very good friend & a really , really good photographer . It was him who kinda helped me start up this model'career . When i met him on a club for (almost) 4 years ago now , we started talking & he told me that he was a photographer . I thought it would be fun to try that modelling stuff , so we found a day where i at first - like most other people - had to pay a small amount of money for that photo'shoot . It was really professional , and even though he wasn't the best back then since he & i haven't really tried it before the pictures ended up looking pretty good . :)
Now - almost 4 years later - he's one of my really good friends , i don't any longer pay for getting taking pictures , and we're both using the pictures he take to get a bigger port'folie . The pictures are getting better , and better . And he's the only photographer i count on 110% ! :)
We don't only have that professional relationship there's between a model and the photographer - no we've this friendly private relationship too , where we're going out together , talking about everything between the sky & earth and just having it great .
He's not only a great photographer . But also a really great & funny friend ! :)
So i just wanted to introduce you for him - after i've had this photo'session with him today , as the picture shows hehe . And i'll soon be uploading some more - old & new pictures he (and of course also other) photographers have taken .

Kit ♥

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Photo'challenge Day 18

Day 18 - A picture of someone you miss .

Wow . Now we're going way way back in time . Or actually i've some who's a bit more newer than when i had dread'locks , but i think this one is really sweet & it brings back memories ! :)
Todays photo'challenge is about uploading a picture of someone you miss , and even though there's a lot i miss i must admit that Simone is one of the persons i miss the most . Back in i think it was 2005 / 2006 i met her & we became really , really close friends ! We were together like almost everyday , we went shopping , working out , celebrated new year & everything together . It was just great ! :)
But somehow we dont have that contact to eachother anymore . I don't know why , but i think we grew a bit from eachother . Of course we're still writing & talking a bit together , but not at all as back in the "old days" and we don't do anything together anymore .
It's not like i've lost her or anything . We're just different now , we're more mature but i'll still love her as one of my really , really good friends & i wont forget her - and at times i really miss spending time with her and talking with her .

Kit ♥

"Er du dyr" behind the scenes . :)

I know it's now awhile since i wrote about it , but that doesn't mean i've forgotten about it or wont do it or anything . Anyway . I promised that i would put in some behind the scenes photos of the making of newest  music'video where i'm starring in & having like the head'lead . So here you go , picture'spam ! :)

So here's just a few of those behind the scenes pictures that were taken . I'll try to make a new "site" thing under this blog where i can put in the rest of them - or at least a little more . But since i don't want to overfloat a whole page just with pictures from the music'video shoot i'll try to make that one . :)
I've seen it done on other blogs so i bet i can figure out how to do it too hehe . Under there i can also upload some more pictures from the Erotic Fair & from other music'videoes & stuff i've been starring in so you can see almost - or all the pictures . Instead of me overfloating a whole page with pictures everyday hehe .

Kit ♥

Monday, April 25, 2011

Photo'challenge Day 17

Day 17 - A picture of your sunglasses .

Actually this one is a pretty stupid one , since i've more than one pair of sunglasses . But these might be the ones i use the most . I brought them for like 2 years ago i think , and they've become my favourite sunglasses . I think they look pretty cool & then they're just not like everybody else - you know those big ones , looking like flies or those pilot'glasses . I like these ones . Also because there is something retro about having these hehe . :b
And the day for me to post this photo'challenge couldn't be better ! Cause the sun i shinning outside , the weather has been GREAT ! Really . Amazing ! Right now i love living in Copenhagen , but in the news about the weather they said the weather would be less good this week . So anyway . I'm going back to work this week too and as long as it was good now when i had easter'vacation i'm happy hehe . :)

Kit ♥

Wtf is going on !?

It's a weird thing being thankful for , but seriously . I'm really , really thankful for some of those people i met yesterday ! I'm so thankful for their personality . They were open'minded & not afraid of talking and meeting new people - or people they didn't knew that much . They weren't just walking around in their own little bubble like so many people are doing today , just caring about their already "safe friendships" but actually trying to start some new ! I love those people who thinks it's inspiring to meet some new personalities instead of just hanging around with "the old ones" . Not saying that people should dumb their old friends or anything like that , but seriously . Wouldn't it hurt being a bit more open'minded ? Jump out of that "safety-box" for Gods sake and try with a hi - even though you don't know me you'll of course get a hi & a smile back !
Really . I think it's unbelieveable how the world is changing - not to something better , but worse . Not only climate & all that stuff . But also peoples personality . It's like . People are judging before they even know you , they're like almost afraid of acting a bit more out'going ! And i can't believe it's going that way .
I don't know if it's in the whole world , but especially in Denmark it's going that way - and it's the wrong way !
Just because you're out'going & trying to start a party , instead of sitting in a corner with a small bunch of people around you that you've known since 1st Grade , people are rolling eyes of you ! And why ? Because you aren't sitting in that group , but actually act out'going & is trying to have a good time !?
So anyway . I'm really , really thankful for those people who aren't just sitting in the corner with their well'known friends , but who actually wants to meet new people & have a good time .
Thank you !

Kit ♥

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Photo'challenge Day 16 & after catwalk

Day 16 - A picture of a memorable event .

Because i'm one of those persons who just give & give & give i decided that i wanted to show some of the pictures from after the cat'walk show - on our way home . Where we got a little crazy haha ! :b
And well on my photo'challenge paper there was also this challenge about showing pictures from a memorable event - and that would have to be this haha . :)
Actually the cat'walk in itself was the memorable event but the hour we spend driving in the car home again maked it an even more memorable & fun day ! Me & Louise shared the car since we live pretty close to eachother & we already know eachother very well . So that was just great .
And well as you can see on the pictures we had a bit fun haha ! As an excuse we were both actually a bit drunk . Just because it was a fashion'show for a Sexshop doesn't mean that you don't get to drink some afterwards . And that was what we did ! ;)
But anyway . It was fun , i got some funny & less lucky pictures out of it and it's a memorable event i'll remember from now on and many years forward .

Kit ♥

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm beautiful in my way ...

I'm beautiful in my way
Cause God makes no mistakes .

I think Gaga is God ! Even though she's waaaaay over the top & i can't stand her music'videoes and that crazy style i LOVE her lyrics . And i really love Born this Way .
Okay some might think it's like pretty ego to put this up , writing that text to it but anyway . And some might think it's pretty ironic since i've had this plastic'surgery to get bigger breasts , than i then choose to write this stuff . But anyway . I wasn't satisfied back then , and i believe that you should do what makes you happy and what gives you confident ! :)
The more satisfied with yourself you're , the more confidence you gain , the more confidence you gain , the happier you look , and when you looks happy & smile it makes other happy ! :)

Kit ♥

Photo'challenge Day 15

Day 15 - A picture of someone you can't imagine living without .

Some might say that it's a stupid person i choose as the person i can't imagine living without , but well i don't care cause i can't imagine living without my lovely boy'friend Johnni . ♥
I LOVE him from the earth , all the way to the moon & back again . And i hope and believe that he feels the same about me , if not it would be pretty weird since we've been together such a long time ! :)
People who say you can't find love on clubs are just stupid . Maybe most of the times it wont work out but this time it did ! We met actually while i still was together with my ex'fiance . But back then he didn't tried on anything , he didn't flirt with me or anything even though he had a good eye to me already there hehe . Real gentle'man ! :)
Anyway . About 1½ month after i broke up with my ex'fiance because we like grew from eachother or what you can say i met Johnni again on Karel Van Mander , a club in Copenhagen . We started flirting , talked a lot after that , started dating & that ended up in this relationship . Wiie . ♥
So thank you so much for opening Karel . And for introducing me to my boy'friend hehe . So . Anyway . I can't imagine living without him , he's not only my boy'friend but also a guy i know i can tell everything , like a second best friend , i know i can trust him - and he know he can trust me . And i don't know what i would do if i one day woke up & he was gone . That would break my heart .
But i'm sure that wont happen . We're meant to be together .
Love , love , love forever . ♥

Kit ♥ ( sorry for this really nauseous , sugar'sweet post but anyway . He's the one i can't imagine living without . )

Friday, April 22, 2011

Found a treasure

- Me at the left , Camilla at the right . :)

I'm in a really hurry & i'm sorry for not blogging properly again today . I know i everytime says that from now on i will remember the Photo'challenge blogs & blogging okay . But it's just . That when you've vacation , wakes up at 11-12 am and have to do stuff the rest of the day + we've this fantastic sunny , hot weather in Denmark right now you really don't have and want to spend time infront of the computer . :b
So sorry , sorry ! :)
Anyway . Yesterday i found this treasure in one of my drawers . It's a pretty old picture now , back in 2007 when i was in Tivoli , probably the most famous danish amusement park ( it's in Cph . I'm sure you have heard about it ? Or ? ) . I went there with some friends - and me & camilla got this picture taking in the ride . I think it's pretty funny actually . We both look dumb but it was a really fun day , even though i can't remember everything haha . Anyway . I thought i wanted to share it on here . It's just great when you find these "treasures" you've forgotten all about ! ;)

Kit ♥

Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Man har kun det sjov man selv laver"

Man har kun det sjov man selv laver ...

I get asked A LOT what that sentence means , so i think i'll tell about it once for all since it's like my motto in life - you know i live by that .
"Man har kun det sjov man selv laver" means something like You only have the fun you make , but it just sounds better & more poetic or what you can say in danish . Or i think so hehe . So that was pretty easy to translate , and i think everyone can understand what i rules i live by now ?
If you're confused i can tell you , that i live by these rules about you only have the fun you make , cause if you don't do anything to enjoy your life - like freaking out & doing something crazy , trying new stuff and just have a good time you can't complain about life is a bitch and all that . Be relaxed , have fun , laugh of yourself when you do something stupid & don't be so afraid of not always looking perfect , saying the wrong thing or just in general what people think about you . As long as you're satisfied with who you are , others opinion doesn't mean anything ! Of course life can be a bitch , but try to look positive on as much as possible , that's what i do . :b
Smile , be happy & make a lot of fun ! :) . Very poetic haha .


Photo'challenge Day 14

Day 14 - A picture that makes you laugh .

And guess what . This does hehe ! :)
Simply just because me & my favourite of all time best friend Kia looks SO UNBELIEVABLE UGLY ! Haha . And of course because it just was a funny day . I remember we took like over 100 pictures just that day , and even though it's like 1½ / 2 years ago i can still remember almost everything that happened that day , everything we said & everything we did . Almost .
Because i can always be myself with Kia so she's one of the persons i'm having the most fun with <3
And just by looking at this picture a lot of memories come rolling in ! It can cheer me up everytime i'm down or if i just need to look at something and laugh .
Anyway . I hope it could also maybe cheer some of you up hehe . :b . Beautiful me & Kia . <3
Loving you babe !


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Photo'challenge Day 13

Day 13 - A picture of your pet .

So yeterdays photo'challenge is here . Wow i'm getting pretty bad at these . Anyway . I'll keep doing it as good as i can . For this one i'm actually cheating a bit too . The photo'challenge of today says that i should upload a picture of my pet . Well i don't have a pet anylonger . I had , but i don't have anymore .
And it was actually my moms but anyway . As you can see on the picture it's Keeba ! :) . My old cute dog <3 . She's dead now , sadly but . Well life goes on . I've had her ever since i was like 4 i think .
Anyway . I know she's having a good time in "Dog heaven" hehe . And she's watching over me . :b

Kit ♥

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Help with voting . :)

My picture for the competition .

Hey peepz ! :)
Well i must have been thinking with my ass - or at least not my brain when i created that post about voting for me as a ring'girl for the Holyfield vs. Brian Nielsen boxing'match .
All i did was posting the link where you could vote for me & then telling i was number 2 . And that was about what i did . But i didn't thought about the actually voting stuff was in danish & that you maybe wouldn't understand how to vote & what to do .
So i'm skipping the photo'challenge for today & hoping you'll be okay with it , vote for me & enjoy this kinda translation thing to how to do it . :)
Anyway . You go to the site Click here (the link will open in this window so you should probably wait with clicking until you've read this ! :b )
So . When you're on the site it starts with these two men . It's those who'll be boxing . But they're less important . You scroll a bit down and BOOM ! There i am ! :)
And there's also some other girls hehe . But you'll vote for me !! Please haha . :b
Anyway . So as you can see it says Nr.2 Kit (number 2 , Kit & some information about my age and where i live ) . So when you scroll past the other girls all the way down you can see these white boxes & the letters . Here you'll have to fill in some information .
So the translation :

The first one says : "Jeg stemmer på pige nummer" - which means "I vote for girl number" and in the white box you'll have to write the number of the girl you vote for (Hint number 2)
Anyway . Then it says:
"Navn" - Which means name
"Adresse" - Which means adress
"By" - Which means town
"Postnummer" - Which means zip code
"Email" - Which means email . Surprise ! :b
"Telefonnummer" - Which means phone number .

These stuff it needs because it's not only a competition between us girls , but some of the people who vote can also be the lucky winner of tickets to the boxing'match ! :)

Anyway . I hope that helped a lot & i'll get some more votes now so i can win hehe . :b . This will really be a BIG opportunity for me & it's like a once in a lifetime experience ! :)
Thanks .

Kit ♥

Majas Birthday .

Again picture'spam from Majas birthday ! :)
I don't know if you remember but a couple of days ago i wrote that i was going to my friends birthday - that was Maja , the girl you can also see on the last picture with me . You know . The one with the pink top . :)
And it got wild haha !
This is just a a few pictures from the birthday i don't really think you want to see anymore haha . There's a lot so . This would be it for now . :b
I've a whole lot of more to show - and TONS of more birthdays to go to ! It'll be a busy weekend actually . Birthday friday , birthday sunday , easter lunch monday and then back to work and a lot of stuff again . I'll be busy busy ! But don't worry . I wont forget writing . Or i hope so hehe .
- Btw the weather in Denmark is GREAT ! Loving it ! :)

Kit ♥

Monday, April 18, 2011

Photo'challenge Day 12

Day 12 - A song that descreibes an episode in your life .

Okay this isn't really a photo'challenge but it's on that list i follow so , and yea then i could just share this with you cause i think it's a fantastic song that pretty much descreibes a pretty long episode of me .
It's from the TV-show "Glee" if somebody knows that ? I haven't really seen the show actually , pretty bad of me - or i've seen like 10 minutes of one of the first episodes i think . But it's just that i can't find time for it , and i don't know excatly what time & days they send Glee on TV here . :b
But i know the songs ! And i'm in love with most of them . The actors & singers in the show are really talented , i think they sing amazing most of them ! And the way they re-do some songs are just amazing , cause usually it sounds so so much better ! :)
Anyway . This song is called "A Loser Like Me" - and that pretty much descreibes a long episode of my life . If you can remember i wrote that when i was younger i did get bullyied in school - really really bad & for years !

In the song they're singing :
"All of the dirt you've been throwin' my way
It ain't so hard to take
'Cause I know one day you'll be screamin' my name
And I'll just look away

Just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth 
Hit me with the worst you got and knock me down

Keep it up and soon enough you'll figure out
You wanna be, you wanna be
A loser like me! A loser like me

- And that's something that really got me thinking . That way i actually feel now - and i also felt like that when i was younger . I've always been interested in like modelling , dancing & all this stuff . And through the time when i got bullyied , hitted & whatever i always thought ; just wait and see !
And guess what happened ! :) . Now i'm starting to become a little bit of a star here in Denmark . I've been in a magazine , i'm in some competitions , i can maybe be a ring'girl  for a big boxing'match , get a cover on the M! magazine , i get booked for more & more shows , i've been catwalking for a Sexshop , i've been in "Denmark by Night" (Danmark om natten) & i've been in more than 4 music'videoes now ! :)
And the funny part is , that now all the guys & some of the girls who bullyied me when we were younger are now coming to me , telling me how glad they're for my success , trying to point out all the "good memorys" and all that crap . But hey . I'm not interested in talking with them . They ruined it back when we was younger . So so long . Losers ! :) Hehe .

Kit ♥

Before catwalk .

Well sadly i didn't got any pictures from the actually show , since i was out of friends / people who i knew that could come & take some pictures while i was catwalking .
Maybe i can find some from the show somewhere on a site , but i haven't had luck with it yet ! :/
Anyway ...
I've a few pictures from before the cat'walking ! Like some behind the scenes pictures. And of course also with some of the costumes on hehe . Anyway picture'spam :

Without any make up ! Eiw haha . :b
And transformed ! Make up perform miracles !
Sweet Sanne ! :)
One of my costumes . Police ! ;)
Everybody dressed up . :b

Well that was my picture'spam ! :)
Can't complain about me not remembering to upload pictures anymore huh ? Cause i remember it . And i remember it big time haha . So well . All i can say is that it was funny ! And i loved doing that . The little lady were catwalking , who would have thought that ? Wiie . :b
Just wait Paris . Soon you'll be seeing me catwalking over there haha . Everybody starts somewhere right ? ;)

Kit ♥

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Vote for me ! :D

The final result of the "all person picture".

Well as i wrote yesterday i would put up the link so peepz who want to vote for me & would like to see me be one of the ring'girls could vote for me . I'm still hoping , hoping , hoping that you'll vote for me . It'll be a big chance for me , since it'll be shown in TV & of course it'll just be really cool to try & could tell people that i've been a ring'girl at these boxing'match ! :)

My picture for the competition .
And well i know it's a pretty bad picture actually . My legs looks really really short but anyway . You know i can do it better , i know i can do it better . And you wont regret voting for me haha . :b
Sounds like i'm trying to sell some kinda lotion or something like that . Like i want to win some kinda president thing . Anyway .
If you want to vote for me you can do it here . I'm number 2 . :)

Kit ♥

Photo'challenge Day 11

Day 11 - A picture of your favourite hair'style .
Another hard one . Hm what is my favourite hair'style ? It keeps changing actually . And i love experimenting with my hair , so it's hard to choose one favourite hair'style . But for the moment i'm all crazy about curls - not my natural curls - it's like when you've natural curls you don't want them , so you straight your hair , and then afterwards you curl it haha . It's pretty weird actually , but that's the situation i'm in .
I'm loving these kinda big princess'curls . I think they look so cute , and you look almost kinda dollish when having them . Cute cute ! :)
- And of course my favourite hair'style of all time is no matter what wearing extensions . I know it's cheating , i know some might think it's gross , false or whatever . But i love wearing them ! They can doll you up in just a few minutes if it's clip on/off extensions & you can choose whether you want to have long or short hair . It's smart ! ;)

Kit ♥

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Holyfield vs. Nielsen

Okay ... PICTURE'SPAM ! :b
At least now people can't complain about me not uploading pictures anymore & well since i haven't wrote the last couple of days i think it's only fair that there's now a big bunch of pictures for those who're reading here .
So . This is behind the scenes pictures as you probably can figure out . It's from the Evander Holyfield vs. Brian Nielsen ring'girl shoot . If i win this competition i'll be one of the 4 girls who'll be you know going with those signs there at the match . :)
I'll post the link where you can vote for me tomorrow , and then i'll hope that you'll of course will vote for me so i can win this one ! It'll be a BIG BIG BIG thing for me to win this . :b

Anyway . I'm pretty busy right now . I'm going to a birthday and i'll have to go in about yea 30 minutes of something like that . Pretty quick update from me , with lots of pictures . But i hope it's okay .
I'll be better at remembering to share stuff on here now . I promise !

Remember . Watch the video i'm in hehe . It's good stuff . ;)
And of course vote for me tomorrow when i post the link . Thank you .

Kit ♥

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Photo'challenge Day 10

Day 10 - A picture of your school'picture .

Wow it's only day 10 & i'm already getting really bad at remembering to post photo'challenge pictures . That sucks ! But it's just because there's so much happening in my life right now that i almost don't have time for anything !
Anyway . A picture of my school'picture . Well since my last school was "Fashion Design Akademiet" this would probably be the picture of my school'picture . It's a picture of all of us and a skirt we had been "companded" to sew hehe . :)
Pretty bad looking on that one actually . You never know when the camera shows up so sometimes it ends up with ugly curly hair , no make up & a silly face haha . Anyway . That's me when i'm natural . :b

And well . If it should be an "alone" school'picture this would probably be it . It's also from the same school - my last school , and i'm sorry for the size but i don't have it in bigger . Ugly expression in the face , not the most lucky picture i know . But who can complain about that ? Don't we all look EXTREMELY ugly on school'photos whether we use like hours to prepare for it or not ? It's like a tradition . Or is it just for me ? :b
Kit ♥