Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Help with voting . :)

My picture for the competition .

Hey peepz ! :)
Well i must have been thinking with my ass - or at least not my brain when i created that post about voting for me as a ring'girl for the Holyfield vs. Brian Nielsen boxing'match .
All i did was posting the link where you could vote for me & then telling i was number 2 . And that was about what i did . But i didn't thought about the actually voting stuff was in danish & that you maybe wouldn't understand how to vote & what to do .
So i'm skipping the photo'challenge for today & hoping you'll be okay with it , vote for me & enjoy this kinda translation thing to how to do it . :)
Anyway . You go to the site Click here (the link will open in this window so you should probably wait with clicking until you've read this ! :b )
So . When you're on the site it starts with these two men . It's those who'll be boxing . But they're less important . You scroll a bit down and BOOM ! There i am ! :)
And there's also some other girls hehe . But you'll vote for me !! Please haha . :b
Anyway . So as you can see it says Nr.2 Kit (number 2 , Kit & some information about my age and where i live ) . So when you scroll past the other girls all the way down you can see these white boxes & the letters . Here you'll have to fill in some information .
So the translation :

The first one says : "Jeg stemmer på pige nummer" - which means "I vote for girl number" and in the white box you'll have to write the number of the girl you vote for (Hint number 2)
Anyway . Then it says:
"Navn" - Which means name
"Adresse" - Which means adress
"By" - Which means town
"Postnummer" - Which means zip code
"Email" - Which means email . Surprise ! :b
"Telefonnummer" - Which means phone number .

These stuff it needs because it's not only a competition between us girls , but some of the people who vote can also be the lucky winner of tickets to the boxing'match ! :)

Anyway . I hope that helped a lot & i'll get some more votes now so i can win hehe . :b . This will really be a BIG opportunity for me & it's like a once in a lifetime experience ! :)
Thanks .

Kit ♥

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