Saturday, April 23, 2011

Photo'challenge Day 15

Day 15 - A picture of someone you can't imagine living without .

Some might say that it's a stupid person i choose as the person i can't imagine living without , but well i don't care cause i can't imagine living without my lovely boy'friend Johnni . ♥
I LOVE him from the earth , all the way to the moon & back again . And i hope and believe that he feels the same about me , if not it would be pretty weird since we've been together such a long time ! :)
People who say you can't find love on clubs are just stupid . Maybe most of the times it wont work out but this time it did ! We met actually while i still was together with my ex'fiance . But back then he didn't tried on anything , he didn't flirt with me or anything even though he had a good eye to me already there hehe . Real gentle'man ! :)
Anyway . About 1½ month after i broke up with my ex'fiance because we like grew from eachother or what you can say i met Johnni again on Karel Van Mander , a club in Copenhagen . We started flirting , talked a lot after that , started dating & that ended up in this relationship . Wiie . ♥
So thank you so much for opening Karel . And for introducing me to my boy'friend hehe . So . Anyway . I can't imagine living without him , he's not only my boy'friend but also a guy i know i can tell everything , like a second best friend , i know i can trust him - and he know he can trust me . And i don't know what i would do if i one day woke up & he was gone . That would break my heart .
But i'm sure that wont happen . We're meant to be together .
Love , love , love forever . ♥

Kit ♥ ( sorry for this really nauseous , sugar'sweet post but anyway . He's the one i can't imagine living without . )

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