Monday, April 25, 2011

Photo'challenge Day 17

Day 17 - A picture of your sunglasses .

Actually this one is a pretty stupid one , since i've more than one pair of sunglasses . But these might be the ones i use the most . I brought them for like 2 years ago i think , and they've become my favourite sunglasses . I think they look pretty cool & then they're just not like everybody else - you know those big ones , looking like flies or those pilot'glasses . I like these ones . Also because there is something retro about having these hehe . :b
And the day for me to post this photo'challenge couldn't be better ! Cause the sun i shinning outside , the weather has been GREAT ! Really . Amazing ! Right now i love living in Copenhagen , but in the news about the weather they said the weather would be less good this week . So anyway . I'm going back to work this week too and as long as it was good now when i had easter'vacation i'm happy hehe . :)

Kit ♥

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