It's a weird thing being thankful for , but seriously . I'm really , really thankful for some of those people i met yesterday ! I'm so thankful for their personality . They were open'minded & not afraid of talking and meeting new people - or people they didn't knew that much . They weren't just walking around in their own little bubble like so many people are doing today , just caring about their already "safe friendships" but actually trying to start some new ! I love those people who thinks it's inspiring to meet some new personalities instead of just hanging around with "the old ones" . Not saying that people should dumb their old friends or anything like that , but seriously . Wouldn't it hurt being a bit more open'minded ? Jump out of that "safety-box" for Gods sake and try with a hi - even though you don't know me you'll of course get a hi & a smile back !
Really . I think it's unbelieveable how the world is changing - not to something better , but worse . Not only climate & all that stuff . But also peoples personality . It's like . People are judging before they even know you , they're like almost afraid of acting a bit more out'going ! And i can't believe it's going that way .I don't know if it's in the whole world , but especially in Denmark it's going that way - and it's the wrong way !
Just because you're out'going & trying to start a party , instead of sitting in a corner with a small bunch of people around you that you've known since 1st Grade , people are rolling eyes of you ! And why ? Because you aren't sitting in that group , but actually act out'going & is trying to have a good time !?
So anyway . I'm really , really thankful for those people who aren't just sitting in the corner with their well'known friends , but who actually wants to meet new people & have a good time .
Thank you !
Kit ♥
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